Animal Comedy Newsletter


4 pictures of a traffic accident and slime and 21 pictures of instagram comments | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a traffic accident and slime on a highway, one picture of a hagfish, one white circle, and one comment including 'eliaslmfao ✩ 3d Yup that's the last straw, I'm calling her'

Stressed Hagfish Slime All Over Oregon Highway Turning One Work Commute Into A Slippery Tale Of Slime and Punishment

Imagine the smell of that car
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26 penguin memes | Thumbnail includes one meme of two penguins including 'Penguins watching the night sky in Melbourne looking like a Pixar movie' and one meme including 'Tux NAUGHTY Penguin of the month Pushed Timmy off the pier after it took him an hour to walk there Tux Good penguin of the month Mr Mac Calls out to his blind girlfriend so she can find her burrow easily Mr Mac NAUGHTY Penguin of the month Pushed Timmy off the pier after it took him an hour to walk there Tux Good penguin of'

Slide Into The Weekend Vibes With 26 Feathered Funnies In The Form Of Some Slipper And Seriously Silly Penguin Memes

Ice, ice baby
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