Animal Comedy Newsletter


27 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a golden retriever and one picture of text including 'Found this old man wandering the streets (Lost, filthy, matted, tired, and no tags)'

Lost Golden Retriever Doggo Rescued by Wholesome Human From a "Pet Dumping" Site, She Helps the Sweet Senior Get Back on His Feet and Find His Worried Pawrents

We just love a happy ending
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31 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of grass, one picture of a dog, and one picture of text including 'I’m honestly just tired of being the only one cleaning the house, the rest of the house doesn’t take super long to clean but the p*** stains on the floor drive me crazy. We have tile and you still need to get on hands and knees to scrub it off.'

'It's me or the dog': Entitled Daughter Refuses to Clean Up After Mother's Senior Doggo While She Lives With Mom Rent-Free, Claims Her Mom is Being 'Unreasonable'

Kids these days
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10 pictures of dog rescue and text, 14 pictures of text, and 1 video of dog rescue and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog including 'This guy picked up a confused 16-year-old dog from the shelter so he wouldn't alone **', one picture of a dog including 'This guy picked up a confused 16-year-old dog from the shelter so he wouldn't alone seniordoghenry' and one picture of a man and a dog including 'But months later he was galloping around the yard'

Heartwarming Dog Rescuer Adopts Senior Shelter Doggo So He Won't Be Alone During His Last Months, The Doggo Wholesomely Teaches Him About the Joy of Being Alive (Video)

He's the Benjamin Button of doggos
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19 pictures of a senior dog and text, 11 pictures of text, and 1 video of a dog and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog including '

Woman Honors Her Grandmother's Memory By Adopting Her Senior Dog, The New Doggo Helps the Fuzzy Family Heal in the Most Heartwarming Way (Video)

Get your tissues ready
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viral twitter thread about an old hamster | thumbnail includes one picture of a hairless old hamster and one tweet 'madeline odent @oldenoughtosay It has come to my attention that it's been a while since we talked about that time we adopted a very old hamster who was expected to die imminently but then he went completely bald and lived two more years looking like this'

Family Rescues An Old Wrinkly Hamster That Doesn't Have Long To Live, The Grumpy Little Hamster Lives On To Spite Them All

Wrinkly, grumpy and so friggin' cute
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wholesome hilarious dogs dog cute cuteness adorable pupper puppy chihuahua cuteness senior senior-dog adopted adoption shelter wholesome-dog-stories story stories heartwarming

‘It’s us forever, Mom!': Troublemaking senior dog redeemed after being in a shelter for 2 years, getting a second chance to be a good boy

brb sobbing
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dog dogs doggo pooch pup puppy pupper senior senior-dog senior-pets adopted adoption pets pet cute snuggle wholesome foster saved rescue rescued

PUPDATE: Senior Dog Named Bubba Gets Saved from the Pound on His Last Day, Then Learns What It's Like to Live Cage-Free and Loved by a Family

Everyone deserves a second chance
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wholesome dogs adorable heartwarming senior cute doggo sweet chihuahua funny - 24271365

Senior Saturday: Proud Chihuahua Pup Pawrents Show Off Their Senior Chi Sweethearts in All of Their Wise Glory

Seniors need love too
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viral twitter thread about a dog who wants his owner to sit with him while he eats | thumbnail includes one tweet 'kelly andrew @KayAyDrew My dog has always eaten his meals in the mudroom but lately he's been refusing to eat. I thought it was the brand. Then I thought he might be sick. We went to the vet. We tried new food. Nothing. It turns out that in his old age he just wants someone to sit by him while he eats. 2:30 PM. Jan 8, 2024 2.5M Views 698 3.7K ... 89K 2K ←]'

Concerned Owner Whose Dog Was Refusing To Eat Finds Out That Her Sweet Senior Pup Simply Wanted Her To Sit With Him While He Ate All Along

The sweet thing just wanted some company
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25 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - PBA U FIG Fro V *' and 'Dog - THANKS FOR CHOOSIN'

25 Adorable Older Doggos To Give Some Puppy Love To On Senior Saturday

All they want is food and love, and honestly, same
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senior senior-dog dogs doggo pooch pawdorable paw national-parks park nature nature-lover adventure adventurous wholesome cute-dog cute cuteness camping dog-hike

Adventurous Senior Dog Goes on Wild Excursions With Her Outdoorsy Hooman, Creating Wholesome Memories in Front of Paw-Inspiring Sights

She's been to all of the National Barks
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'And that's the story of the worst day of my life': Senior chihuahua named Lilly has a double ear infection and dog-cuments the harrowing tale of her recovery

'And that's the story of the worst day of my life': Senior chihuahua named Lilly has a double ear infection and dog-cuments the harrowing tale of her recovery

The vet? As if the day could get any worse.
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22 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - ALT 26' and 'Water - ALT'

22 Loveable Older Puppers For Senior Dog Saturday

Senior doggos are the best
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Pawdorable Senior Dog Gets Post-Bath Zoomies, Proving That Elder Pups are Still the Sweetest Goobers

Pawdorable Senior Dog Gets Post-Bath Zoomies, Proving That Elder Pups are Still the Sweetest Goobers

❤️ The little hops ❤️
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2 pictures of a dog and 22 pictures of text | Thumnbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog', 'Font - 1. Arwen can apparently do something really weird with her shoulders where they pop out sideways, allowing her to bear-hug the tree and 2. climb a good 40 feet into the three to fight 3. A porcupine, which i didn't even know LIVED out here.', 'Font - -also ate the garden hose because we weren't spraying her with it.'

Old Service Dog Surprises Family By Being A Real Trouble-Maker, But They Love Her Anyway

A bundle of happiness and three handfuls of trouble
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16 comments and 1 picture of a cat | Thumbnail includes two images including 'Cat', 'Cat' and one comment including 'Smile - 43.2k r/cats Posted by u/hylice 2 days ago O: N 59 219 21 21 2 32 This is my cat, Chury, she's 21 years. Yesterday my girlfriend yelled: "can't wait till the day she's d**d ", for a mess with the litter. Today I packed everything and I'm ready to leave. What would you have done?'

Kitty Controversy: Viral Reddit Thread Forces Boyfriend To Choose Between Girlfriend Or Cat (17 Pictures)

What would you have done?
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