
22 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog and one picture of text including 'My phone went missing yesterday morning - this is what I got in my email'

Golden retriever swipes hooman’s phone while they’re sleeping, leaving behind a trail of silly selfies that reveal all their goofy antics

23 bear pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures of bears

23 Boomer Bears Taking Selfies Like Your Unphotogenic Uncle Who is Uncomfortably Close to the Camera

38 animal selfies | Thumbnail includes

Say Cheese: 30+ Of The Best Animal Selfies Ranked From Pawsitively Great To Heckin' Hilarious

24 cat pictures pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Smile' and 'Bengal Tiger'

Say Cheese: 25 Snaps Of Smiling Animals That Paws-itively Brightened Our Day

23 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Sky', 'Wheel - JEERE CABINAS SOID', and 'Font - muzzzzig Bro takes better selfies than me 1w 19,102 likes Reply'

This Doggo Mastered The Art Of The Selfie And Made His Farm Famous Thanks To His Pawsitively Adorable Photos

22 Alpaca pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Sky' and 'Sky'

Aww-dorable Alpacas: 22 Hilariously Cute Alpaca Moments That Wool Leave You Laughing

Wholesome UPS Man Takes Pawdorable Selfies With Every Sweet Dog He Encounters on His Routes

Wholesome UPS Man Takes Pawdorable Selfies With Every Sweet Dog He Encounters on His Routes

19 images of animals taking selfies or photobombing | thumbnail includes two images the left image shows a monkey with its' mouth open photobombing a selfie taken by a woman in the background the right image shows a cow photobombing a selfie taken by the woman in the foreground

But First, Llama Take A Selfie: 19 Animals That Got Involved In People's Kodak Moment

Adorable Bear Steals Show, Taking 400 Selfies via Wildlife Camera in Boulder Colorado, Leading to Internet Memes Galore

Adorable Bear Steals Show, Taking 400 Selfies via Wildlife Camera in Boulder Colorado, Leading to Internet Memes Galore

dogs resembling their owners | thumbnail left four redhead girls with ginger dog |thumbnail right man cuddling with his dog in bed

10 Pics that'll Have You Convinced These Pets are Twins with their Owners

1 video 10 images horse selfies and comments | thumbnail image of horse and woman selfie "His name is lesley. he totally understands selfies and likes to make faces in them."

Derp Horse Steals The Spotlight During Human's Selfie Session

Emmanuel the Attention-Seeking Emu Rudely Interrupts Video for Her 5 Seconds of Fame, the Internet Is Intrigued

Emmanuel the Attention-Seeking Emu Rudely Interrupts Video for His 5 Seconds of Fame, the Internet Is Intrigued

12 photos of cute and funny dogs after the groomers | Thumbnail includes a photo of a white poodle smiling angrily and a photo of a beige dog that looks like an old man

12 Dashing Doggos Pose For Their Post Groomer Selfies With Their New Hairdos

animals cow selfie - 8486131456

Gotta Post Those Selfies

picture monkey selfie - 8473656320

Don't Do it Monkey!

ohai quokka collage selfie - 8457446656

All the Quokka Selfies!

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