
23 pictures of cows and text, 1 video of cows | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cow including 'Manny was born with polymelia,', one picture of a cow including 'it granted Manny the chance to live.', and one picture of cows including 'Manny was in the air just jumping around, so happy.'

'[His] extra leg saved his life': Cute cow saved from beef farm, finds fuzzy friendship and family thanks to his rare genetic condition (Video)

33 animal pictures | Thumbnail includes one picture of a tiger and tiger cub

33 Heartwarming and Rare Animal Moments That’ll Give You a Peek Behind the Fur

9 pictures of a dog and dolphin, 10 pictures of text, 1 video of a dog and dolphin playing | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog including 'Why only have dry land friends?', one picture of a dog swimming including 'PILOT ...finally', and one picture of a dog and dolphin

Cute Doggo Forms Unique and Rare Relationship With Dolphin, Wholesomeness Ensues When Flipper Meets Fluffer For a Game of Wave Tag (Video)

26 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures of animals

26 Unique and Rare Animals That Look Fake But Are 100% Real

32 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes one picture of a cat and one picture of a dog

32 Most Adorable Animals Born With Marvelous Marking Mutations and Rare Recessive Traits

4 pictures of a yellow penguin and 19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a yellow penguin, one picture of text including 'I'm pretty sure that's a seagull covered in curry', and one picture of a person holding up an orange seagull

Ridiculously Rare Yellow Penguin Pictures Rise As The Internet Hysterically Hollers That It's Another Spicy Scandal Covered In Curry

58 pictures of nature | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Flower' and 'Sky'

30+ Amazing Animals Born With Cool Camouflage And Unique Patterns That Have Us Stumped And Bamboozled

21 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Hand' and 'Dog'

21 Amazing Animals With Unique Patterns And Camouflage That Are Both Pawsitively Adorable And Remarkably Rare

20 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird' and 'Font - Halligan1409 . 13 days ago An industrious chicken farmer was always experimenting with breeding to perfect a better chicken. His family was fond of the leg portion for dinner and there were never enough legs for everyone. After many frustrating attempts, the farmer was relating the results of his efforts to his friends at the general store get together. "Well I finally did it! I bred a chicken'

Reddit Thread Exposes Rare Chick Born With Four Legs Instead of Wings, Theorizing It Could Be The Next Step In Chicken Evolution

21 pictures of cats and objects | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Head' and 'Vehicle - CAT (81 M 3:38 CAT'

Unusual Cat Species From Around The World - Including All The Rare, Forgotten, And Funny-Looking Ones (21 Cool Cat Pics)

40 pictures of tree kangaroos | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Head' and 'Primate'

Cuteness Awwwverload: 30+ Pics Of Tree Kangaroos That Make Us Want To Hold This Adorable Fluffy Little Marsupial

12 pictures and 3 videos of birds | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Eye - Barnali' and 'Organism - IG: fly_with_jenisha'

Ear's Looking at You, Kid: Meet the Great Eared-Nightjar, The Bird That Is Basically A Tiny Dragon (Pictures and Videos)

video of rare snow owl sighting in california | thumbnail image of snowy owl perched on rooftop

Rare Snowy Owl Spotted in Southern California Has Flown Away (Video)

12 obscure animal tweets |  thumbnail image of mongoose lemur " 🐾Obscure Animal Of The Day🐾 @obscure_otd Today’s obscure animal of the day is the mongoose lemur! These lovely lemurs are mainly found in Madagascar’s deciduous forests. They love to feed on flower nectar, which makes them important pollinators. Flowers make up a majority of their diet during the wet season."

Awesome And Obscure Animals: 12 Tweets Highlighting Rare Animals That Just Might Pique Interest

7 images of rare fish species, rare fish and where to find them | thumbnail image underwater large rare fish "the world's rarest fish species and where to find them"

The World’s Rarest Fish Species and How to Find Them

10 obscure animal tweets | thumbnail african wildcat image "obscure animal of the day is the African wildcat! These cool cats are found in various areas throughout Africa and Central Asia. One was found buried in a human grave from the Neolithic era, lending to the idea that they are the ancestors of the modern domestic cat!"

Twitter Account Dedicated Entirely To Obscure Animals Posts A New And Rare Animal Feature Every Day

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