Animal Comedy Newsletter


20+ Howlarious Dog Memes for Dog-Lovers In Need of Their Own Cutesy Canine Companion This Week (September 7, 2024)

20+ Howlarious Dog Memes for Dog-Lovers In Need of Their Own Cutesy Canine Companion This Week (September 7, 2024)

Yes, you should get a dog.
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31 Tail Wagging Doggo Memes to Start Your Day with a Bark of Pawsitivy

Giggle galore
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wholesome hilarious dog dogs canine canines pup pupper puppy daycare doggie doggies funny lol crimes criminally cute

19 Howlarious Doggie Daycare Crimes to Inspire the Criminally Cute Canine in Your Life

Slinky was framed
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25 Pawdorable Pup Pawsts Puppy Pawrents Who’re Feeling Dog Sick Blues | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a quote on a gray background ‘I look normal but believe me, I talk to dogs.’, the other image shows two mason jars one slightly filled the other filled to the top with coins ‘SWEAR JAR’ ‘TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT MY DOG WHEN I WASN’T ASKED JAR’

25 Pawdorable Pup Pawsts for Puppy Pawrents Who’re Feeling the Dog Sick Blues

It’s hard after such a wholesome weekend.
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Rare Footage Caught of Service Dog Stopping Mid-Play to Give a Medical Alert, Shows the Importance of Working Canines

Rare Footage Caught of Service Dog Stopping Mid-Play to Give a Medical Alert Shows the Importance of Working Canines

Many times a hero will have four legs and a tail.
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31 Howlarious Doggo Memes for a Global Giggle Safari Through Comedy Central

31 Howlarious Doggo Memes for a Global Giggle Safari Through Comedy Central

An adventure awaits!
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A Quick Trip to the Dump Turned Into a Couple Rescuing an Abandoned ‘Trash’ Puppy, They Quickly Fall in Love and Adopt Their New ‘Dumpster Baby’

A Quick Trip to the Dump Turned Into a Couple Rescuing an Abandoned ‘Trash’ Puppy, They Quickly Fall in Love and Adopt Their New ‘Dumpster Baby’

"Imagine only knowing garbage and sharp rocks your whole life and then being held by something so warm and soft and bundled in comfort while the sun warms you and someone scratches your head."
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Dog People Are Freaking Out Over These Adorable Puppies Up for Adoption That Are Belgian Malinois, Husky, and Australian Shepherd-Mix: ‘You are not ready for this!’

Dog People Are Freaking Out Over These Adorable Puppies Up for Adoption That Are Belgian Malinois, Husky, and Australian Shepherd-Mix: ‘You are not ready for this!’

"All dogs are perfect but these might also be violations of the Geneva convention…"
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24 pictures of french bulldogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures of french bulldogs

24 Heartwarming French Bulldogs Filling Your Feed With Silly Snorts and Puppy Smiles

We're obsessed with these little gremlins
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New Mom Thinks She's the Only One Waking Up at 3am to Feed the Baby, But Her Dog Lovingly Shows Up Right By Her Side Every Time, Goes Viral

New Mom Thinks She's the Only One Waking Up at 3am to Feed the Baby, But Her Dog Lovingly Shows Up Right By Her Side Every Time, Goes Viral

"You can see her heart learning that smell."
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'Free Puppies' Sign in a Parking Lot Lures a Girl in, Making Her EmBARK on a Journey of Furrendship With a New Best Friend (VIDEO)

'Free Puppies' Sign in a Parking Lot Lures a Girl in, Making Her EmBARK on a Journey of Furrendship With a New Best Friend (VIDEO)

She did what all mothers fear most: She approached the van with the handmade sign that said 'Free Puppies'
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27 dog pictures | thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs

Labrador Pawrents Share Their Labber Pupper's First Picture After They've Found Their Furrever Home

It's so wholesome out hearts melted to a puddle.
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Homeless Puppy Rescued Heartwarming Hero Hooman Who Patiently Pulled Her Out Her Shy Shell Taught Her Experience Joy | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a woman driving in a car and a white dog lying down in the back seat ‘1 month ago i decided to foster this puppy, who was a nervous wreck’, the second image shows a skinny white dog poking its tongue out in a field, the third image shows a sassy white dog lying on a bed ‘Slept like a baby in the cold AC, had meals 3-4 times a day!’

Homeless Puppy Rescued by Heartwarming Hero Hooman Who Patiently Pulled Her Out of Her Shy Shell and Taught Her to Experience Joy

We should all be so lucky in life.
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Woman Trying to Take a Lost Kitten to the Shelter Ends Up with a Box of 7 Abandoned Puppies, Becomes Their Full-Time Foster Mom

Woman Trying to Take a Lost Kitten to the Shelter Ends Up with a Box of 7 Abandoned Puppies, Becomes Their Full-Time Foster Mom

The world needs more animal lovers.
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21 Howlarious Dog Memes for Dog-Lovers In Need of Their Own Cutesy Canine Companion (August 23, 2024)

21 Howlarious Dog Memes for Dog-Lovers In Need of Their Own Cutesy Canine Companion (August 23, 2024)

Sometimes, the only thing you need is to pet a dog.
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23 Dog Sitting and Walking Memes for Professional Fur Baby Besties

23 Dog Sitting and Walking Memes for Professional Fur Baby Besties

The dream dog-lover job doesn't exi…
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