Animal Comedy Newsletter

petty revenge

Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

All doggo lovers can find safety and comfort in the dog park. All that is wonderful in life seems to be captured by the park's tranquil atmosphere and the small puppies that run up and down the lawn. Having said that, what would you do if someone consistently disrupted your time at the dog park? The story below is an account of a dissatisfied doggo owner. The original poster (OP) has made numerous visits to the same dog park. At first glance, everything appeared to be in order; there was nothin…
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'Boneless Basset': The Sandy Saga Of A Basset Hilariously Being Dragged Away From The Beach In A Dramatic Display Of 'Nope' (Funny Video)

'Boneless Basset': The Sandy Saga Of A Basset Hilariously Being Dragged Away From The Beach In A Dramatic Display Of 'Nope' (Funny Video)

Basset Beach Baddie
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19 pictures of signs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Plant - ali We like to throw "DOG POOP" In other peoples yards. Want video we have it!!! Red circle' and 'Font - We like to throw "DOG POOP" In other peoples yards. Want video we have it!!!'

Neighbors Sick of The Stinky Situation In Their Yard, Erect Giant Poop Shaming Sign For Petty Revenge In Neighborhood Feud (Hilarious Reddit Thread)

A poopy predicament
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Bunnypocalypse Takes Over Snarky Neighbor's Yard After Nitpicking HOA Bans a Family's Pets, They Unleash an Army of Rabbits in His Yard as Revenge

Bunnypocalypse Takes Over Nasty Neighbor's Yard After Nitpicking HOA Bans a Family's Pets, They Unleash an Army of Rabbits in His Yard as Revenge

All because he wouldn't leave a nine-year-old girl's pet bunnies alone…
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "We finally decided to invest in some ultrasonic motion- detecting cat scarers, which work a treat. However, about 3 days after installing the cat scarers, our neighbour came to our door and demanded that we take them down. She tells us that the cats are now 'terrified' to go outside, and this has caused them to defecate in the house instead. "

Neighbors Get Petty Revenge On The Cat Owners Next Door After Incessantly Finding Cat Poop On Their Lawn

Oh lawd oh no
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14 reddit text images | thumbnail background blue "The trail went down a decently sloped hill, but at the bottom was a fairly straight and flat area for about a half mile. This is where I like to let my horse jog. I quickly caught up to up the jogger and her dog. It was a two track trail, kinda like if a vehicle was driven on it so plenty of room to pass. I called out and made my way around them. "

Equestrian Out For A Joy Ride Takes Petty Revenge Against Jogger Running Alongside Off Leash Doggo

Out for a jog? How bout a run
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10 reddit text images, dog barking neighbor leaf blower | thumbnail blue background text "So the neighbor behind me has 3 dogs. For three years I've been listening to them bark, driving me nuts in the summer. Now I get that dogs bark and play, blah blah. I'm talking about at night constant barking here."

Frustrated Neighbor Brings The Leaf Blower Out To Play In Petty Revenge For Neighboring Dogs' Constant Barking

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14 reddit text images, dog poop neighbor debacle | thumbnail blue background text "I scooped a poop that seemed larger than most of my dog's. I figured maybe I had given too many treats. Idk. Didn't think much of it. A week later, I was doing my daily poop scooping again when I noticed ANOTHER really large pile"

Disgruntled Dude Gets Petty Revenge On Neighbor After Neighbor's Dog Poops Repeatedly In Dude's Yard

Petty and hilarious, justice is served
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13 reddit text images, dog toy door debacle | thumbnail blue background with text "A few months back Dexter and I attended an agility course, and at the end of that course Dexter was presented with a bucket full of dog toys and allowed to pick one to take home. He pulled out a purple fuzzy monkey thing that had some skinny ropes coming out. Forgive me if I slip and call it a tug monkey. Now Dexter loved playing with that toy, and always remembered"

Fed-up Son Builds Steel Door For His Half Of The House After His Parents' Dog Destroys His Dog's Beloved Toy

Oh he was fed-up alright
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10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "So I moved to my first ever apartment and as I was moving in, I noticed the mine field of dog poop on the lawn right across from my apartment path. Had to play a game of dodge step while moving in boxes because getting from visitor parking to my apartment means walking in that grass. After a few weeks of settling in, I caught the culprit in the act. As I approached my apartment, arm full of groceries, I made direct eye contact with

Disgruntled Dude Gets Petty Revenge On Dog Owning Neighbor After She Leaves Dog's Poop Casually On Shared Yard

Revenge never smelled so bad
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12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "I laughed and walked away the next day I saw the moms were not impressed. They had called the cops and wanted the signs down. They admitted to putting signs up banning dog walking in front of the cops as well. The kicker?, Edit: to clarify there are existing signs warning people to leash their dogs, the signs put up from the moms ban dogs in that part of the park. This is why dog owners got mad."

Local Dog Owners Get Petty Revenge On Neighborhood Karens For Putting Up Fake Signs Forbidding Dogs

Petty....but satisfying
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