Animal Comedy Newsletter


Dog Pouts All Day, Even Limps Like His Paw Hurts, Until Dad Comes Home and Then He's Magically Cured and Zoomies Extraordinaire

Dog Pouts All Day, Even Limps Like His Paw Hurts, Until Dad Comes Home and Then He's Magically Cured and Zoomies Extraordinaire

We all know who the favorite human is…
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Dog Rescue Finds Stray Mama with 9 Puppies: Local Male Dog was Invested in the Situation, Now, DNA-Testing Says He's the Father

Dog Rescue Finds Stray Mama with 9 Puppies: Local Male Dog was Invested in the Situation, Now, DNA-Testing Says He's the Father

It's like an episode of ‘Maury,' but for dogs…
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