Animal Comedy Newsletter


A Plate Full 23 Funny Moments Delicious Life Darling Doggo Named Gnocchi | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a bulldog wearing a colorful hat and neckerchief in front of a bowl of oatmeal, the other image shows a bulldog with a whole soccer ball stretching out its mouth

A Plate Full of 23 Funny Moments from the Delicious Life of a Darling Doggo Named Gnocchi

Best topped with Parmesan.
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31 dog pictures | thumbnail includes one dog picture including 'This is Lenny, or Leonard when he gets in trouble.' and one dog picture including 'This is Carl' and one dog picture including 'This is Mr. Winston Churchill Jones. My surname isn't Jones.'

Meet Molly, Alfred and Earnest: 30+ Dog Pawrents Who Gifted Their Dog Children With Whimsical Hooman Names

Is your dog named Manfred? Because he looks like a Manfred.
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30 dog pictures | thumbnail includes one dog picture including 'Little Miss Triss Merigold.' and one dog picture including 'Zuko and Mai from Avatar the last Airbender' and one dog picture including 'Olaf and Vader' and 'Show me your dogs named after TV/movies'

Meet Zuko, Falkor, and Hannabelle Lickter: 30 Dog Pawrents Who Named Their Precious Puppers After Movies and TV Shows

Would you name your dog after your favorite character from a TV show or a movie?
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Sweet and silly pet naming stories | thumbnail includes one image which shows a woman smiling holding two dogs in her arms ‘What’s the story behind your pet’s name?’

Sweet And Silly Stories of How Pets Got Their Name That’ll Have You ROFLing

There is hardly anything better than a cat named Trash
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25 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Water - FLOATY POTATO made on imgur'

25 Animals Majestically Renamed By Jokers On The Internet

Steve Irwin has a special place in his heart for sea flap-flaps (too soon?)
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18 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for giving my wife and dog similar nicknames?' and 'Font - Recently I started referring to my dog as "pupperino" whenever she starts whining. Ex: "What's wrong pupperino?". The first few times I said this, my pregnant wife just went quiet and removed herself from the room. But recently, when I called my wife the nickname I had given her 12 years ago, she told me never to call her that again (Baberino). When I asked'

'Don't Call Me That Anymore': Insensitive Man Gives His Annoying Dog A Pet Name Similar To His Pregnant Wife's Pet Name, Gets Read For Filth In New AITA

He's gonna be sleeping in the doghouse
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1 picture of a dog and 20 pictures of comments | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - New 5 month old puppy joined the house. She needs a name, help us out. CONTY NIMAL CTROL' and 'Rectangle - Competitive Editor336 +1 Thanks for giving her a home. 2.3k Reply Share Report Save Follow ElSolenya that's an awful name for a dog 5.9k Reply Share Report Save Follow'

Redditor Asks The Hive Mind To Help Name Their Dog And The Responses Have You Laughing For Days (Pictures & Comments)

"TFGHAH", it rolls right off the tongue!
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10 reddit text images dog name brad | thumbnail blue background "So I've always thought it's funny when dogs have human names. Much more amusing to me than giving them obvious dog names like Spike or Jellybean or whatever. Never had an issue with Brad's name being what it is until recently."

Dude Names Dog Brad, His Sister Starts Dating A Guy Named Brad, Guy Pulls A Total Brad When He Finds Out The Dog's Name

Immature anddd petty
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tweets about how my pet's name evolved

People Reveal How Their Pets’ Names Have Evolved

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I Alsew Reed Donut Sew Doan Try To Hornswoggle Me!

sprinkles donut deer angry food name - 6890544384
See all captions Created by violetD

Kind of What We Do

lion cub pun lying name parent mom - 6606013440
See all captions Created by MallardVHS

I'm a Little Behind on Movies

baby otters name voting-page Image - 6604614656
See all captions Created by toniaga

What's the O Stand For?

lion name philosophical pun they told me i could be anything thinking voting-page - 6572061952
See all captions Created by horshooer

Kinda Hurts, Akshully

best of the week caption dumbo ears fennec fox Hall of Fame Image insulted name voting-page - 6369679104
See all captions Created by DyannLynn


best of the week captions Hall of Fame Image llama llamas name pun puns spanish voting-page - 6412140288
Via Keep Calm and Go Ahead

I Haz Mazk Tu. See?

cat disguise gang garbage mask name raccoons seriously voting-page - 6214001408
See all captions Created by alikitteh
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