
I mustache you not to laugh, these majestic pieces of facial hair are a man's (or woman's) crowning show of vigor. Some may just grow it out endlessly, others may style it, and still others create a diorama of the Battle of Gettysburg from their lip whiskers. So enjoy how far someone can take a mustache joke and check out these memes and gifs all about the stash.

awesome BAMF guy mustache Other random guy - 5688288512

Standing Tall, Standing Proud

best of the week cat Hall of Fame I Can Has Cheezburger mustache quite - 5592412928

Yes, Indeed!

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awww cat cute food I Can Has Cheezburger kitten mustache - 5253443584


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I Have Precisely Zero Questions About This

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It's-a Me, Your-a Cousin!

animals Cats commercials fat I Can Has Cheezburger mustache - 5046791168

Wilford Brimcat

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