
The second mouse is smart, and will always get the cheese. It's not always the early bird who gets the worm, so no more Mr. mice guy.

20 pictures of a mouse and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a mouse and one picture of text including 'Say hi to Julius Cheesar'

Person brings in tiny mouse to hospital out of the kindness of their heart, mouse-whisperer worker heals him and gives him a furrever home

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Senior pet mouse gets abandoned on Christmas day for being too old, family who discovers him in the cold becomes his new loving home: ‘LOOK AT THE CUTE GERIATRIC BAAABY'

mouse bodega rodent mice mouse-rescue cute rodent-rescue rescue saved adorable pocket cuteness cutie serotonin boost boosted funny animals animal-rescue pet pets

Runt Mouse Gets Rescued From the Floor of a Bodega, Becomes a Rodent-Lover's Pocket Best Friend (VIDEO)

21 Awwdorable Mouse Memes That'll Make Your Heart Melt

21 Marvelous Mouse Memes for Pawrents Who Enjoy Mousing Around

21 animal photos | thumbnail includes 2 animal photos

21 Amazing Animal Athletes Facing Off in Fantastic Olympic Summer Games Showdowns

viral twitter thread about a person adopting a fat rat who turned out to be pregnant and gave birth | thumbnail includes two pictures including two baby rats cuddling and a mouse with red eyes and one tweet 'So everyone is goofing on that goldfish guy, but one day my dog rescue got a call from a farmer. "I got some rat here, she ain't wild, I found her in my field and I got her in a cage" and we are fully expecting this dude to show up with a wild rat buuuuuut'

'They were the most friendly and people-loving rats': Person Rescues An 'Awfully Fat' Rat, She Gives Birth To 13 Adorable Babies Who Need To Be Hand-Fed With A Tiny Syringe

Baby Mouse Rescued Nursed Health Wholesome Hooman Hero Member Fuzzy Fluffy Family | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a baby mouse in a man’s hand ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘anything for herself at the time.’, the second image shows two smiling humans one is holding a mouse in their hand ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘very loving with her.’, the third image shows a baby mouse using two hands to eat food ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘Molly Bean was truly lucky that Eric found her on the street…’

Baby Mouse Rescued And Nursed Back To Health By Wholesome Hooman Hero Becomes Member Of Their Fuzzy Fluffy Family

viral twitter thread about a PetSmart employee who got emotional when someone adopted a mouse | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Lucy Huber @clhubes Got a mouse at PetSmart for my son and the lady who got him for us seemed so sad to see him go??? "He's been here for months," she said. And then she ran after us as we walked out "Wait!!" She said, "he doesn't bite. And he just loves broccoli." . 2:42 AM - May 17, 2024 2M Views 194 12.3K ... 94K ☐ 1.8K ↑'

Employee At PetSmart Has A Hard Time Saying Goodbye To An Adopted Pet Mouse, Leading To The Most Wholesome And Funny Interaction

viral twitter thread about a girl taking a mouse with a broken leg to the vet | thumbnail includes one tweet 'worms cited @christapeterso when I was a kid I took a mouse with a broken leg to the vet to have it amputated and afterwards the vet asked me what I thought was a good price and I was like “... $50?” and he asked me if I had $50 and I said no I do not and he charged me 5 10:47 AM May 4, 2024 3.5M Views 88 13.3K 169K ☐ 3.8K'

Adorable Kid Takes A Mouse With A Broken Leg To The Vet, The Kind Vet Asks Her How Much She Wants To Pay For The Tiny Amputation

viral twitter thread about a mouse sneaking into someone's herb garden and getting high | thumbnail includes two pictures of a small mouse among plants and one tweet 'venus @venuslovesrats little man keeps getting zooted, bless him For 2 days in a row Ive caught this little pot head taking leaves off of my plant and eating them untill he passes out. Hes missing an ear so it may be self med for his PTSD but I still think its time for an Intervention. Ill let him sleep this one off but when'

Tiny Mouse Repeatedly Sneaks Into Person's Herb Garden And Gets High Off The Plant Fumes, Prompting The Gardner To Stage An Intervention

mouse mice mouse-viral mouse-video adorable viral-video rescue saved foster baby bottle-feeding animals cute cuteness cute-animals rodent hero disney-princess

Abandoned Newborn Mouse Named 'Molly Bean' Gets Rescued by a Gentle Giant, Velcros to His Side Furrever After

viral twitter thread about a tiny rat living in a man's house and him catching it and freeing it | thumbnail includes one cute picture of a baby rat and a tweet 'Jules Suzdaltsev @jules_su There's a baby rat in my apartment who isn't afraid of me anymore, and refuses to enter the humane trap I set for him, so for the last few days he's just wandering around my kitchen and there's nothing I can really do. 9:29 PM Dec 28, 2023 2.5M Views 353 1.9K 60K ... 1.9K 企'

Tiny But Fearless Baby Rat Takes Over Man's Apartment, And Unexpectedly, The Man Falls In Love With It, Feeds It And Frees It

16 images reddit, mouse in christmas tree

Festive Mouse Crawls up Into Family’s Christmas Tree and Calls It Home, Interwebs React Merrily

Spicy satirical rodent memes | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a winking rat ‘HEY DARLING’ ‘YOU LOOK CHEELICIOUS’, the other image shows a racoon dressed as a police man ‘LOOKIN SO GOOD’ ‘IT SHOULD BE A CRIME’

Spicy Satirical Rodent Memes To Get You Lit For The Weekend

27 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - #' and 'Dog'

Big Ears And Even Bigger Hearts: 27 Adorable Animals With Enormous Ears For An Uplifting Saturday

'I'm weak': Woman buys store-bought wheat grass for her mouse family to play with, trolls the whole Internet by pretending she found them there

'I'm weak': Woman buys store-bought wheat grass for her mouse family to play with, trolls the whole Internet by pretending she found them there

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