Animal Comedy Newsletter


Home Security Footage Catches Hired Handyman on His Hands and Knees Adorably Playing Tug of War With the Homeowner’s Dog

Hilariously Wholesome Home Security Footage Catches Hired Handyman on His Hands and Knees Adorably Playing Tug of War With the Homeowner’s Dog

“It's always a plus to see whats happening in my house when I’m not there.”
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31 funny dog memes | Thumbnail includes a picture of a dog sitting in a plane and looking back at the back seat, thumbnail also includes a picture of Jesus holding a dog while a woman cries on her knees in front of him 'Dog - Dogs on planes Babies on planes Tell baby be quiet before bite Me Stranger with a dog You can pet him if you'd like'

King-Size Collection Of Doggo Memes To Serve As A Reminder That A Dog Is Indeed A Man's Best Friend (31 Memes)

No doubt
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50 snapchats and memes about dogs being pure and precious | Thumbnail includes a picture of a boxer dog sitting like a human on a black chair and surrounded by bookshelves and a lamp, thumbnail also includes a picture of a grey dog wearing a see-through cone with its teeth pressed up against it 'Am dogsitting the most interesting dog in the world He may have lost couple things today, but his spirit wasn't one them.'

Bridging The Gap Between Work Week And Weekend With 50 Snaps & Memes Of Dogs Being The Goodest Boys And Girls

So pure and wholesome
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37 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people posted photos of their mixed breed dogs and mutts | Thumbnail includes a picture of a mixed German Shepherd and lab dog laying on a couch with a blue blanket underneath him, thumbnail also includes a picture of a German Shepherd dog mixed with red poodle 'German Shepherd and Lab mix Mine is German Shepherd/Red Poodle'

Weekly Dose Of Doggo Delight: Viral Twitter Thread Dedicated To Dog Breed Mixes Proving That A Mutt Is A Man's Best Friend

The perfect mix
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Man Lost in the Woods at Night in Peru Proves Spirit Guides Exist When Random Stray Dog Guides Him Home Then Disappears

Man Lost in the Woods at Night in Peru Proves Spirit Guides Exist When Random Stray Dog Leads Him Home Then Disappears

This dog really just popped out of nowhere, showed him the way back to his hotel, and then vanished…
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