Animal Comedy Newsletter


24 Peculiar Posts Animals Who Love Live Out Loud Inspire Your Saturday Celebrations | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a horse who’s face is covered in lipstick kisses and its tongue poking out ‘silly and happy horse covered in kisses and waiting for more’, the other image shows a bird standing on a metal sign ‘GUARD BIRD ON DUTY’

24 Peculiar Posts of Animals Who Love to Live Out Loud to Inspire Your Saturday Celebrations

There’s no stopping these crazy critters.
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If Animals Were Hoomans, This Is How They’d Live Our Lives: 22 Eye-Opening Animal Memes Hoomans Having Second Thoughts About Their Life Choices | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a crab performing an aerial Maneuver on a skateboard in a skate bowl ‘YO’ ‘YOOOOOOOOO’, the other image shows a green colored cat wearing a rasta hat holding a can of coke ‘Jamaircan-coded Alien who landed in my backyard: I came dim down tah dat eart’ in me UFO tah try one dem dere Goga Golas’

If Animals Were Hoomans, This Is How They’d Live Our Lives: 22 Eye-Opening Animal Memes for Hoomans Having Second Thoughts About Their Life Choices

Could you imagine if we were the pets?
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10 pictures of dogs and text, 1 tweet, 11 pictures of text, and 1 video of dogs | Thumbnail includes 1 picture of animals including 'COM PLEX CHINESE ZOO ADMITS THEY USED PAINTED DOGS FOR THEIR PANDA EXHIBIT' and one tweet of animals including 'Collin Rugg @CollinRugg Follow How did they think they would get away with this?'

Chinese Zoo in Panda-monium After Getting Caught Painting Dogs to Pass as Pandas in Live Exhibit (Video)

The most adorable impawsters
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22 Wise Raccoon Memes How Live Happy Hooman Life | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a raccoon in a tree in night vision ‘When life gives you lemons’ ‘squeeze them into the eyes of your enemies’, the other image shwos three raccoons walking around ‘not all who wonder are lost’ ‘but i sure am’

22 Wise Raccoon Memes For How to Live a Happy Hooman Life

They know what they’re talking about.
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