
20 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of animals and one picture of text including '‘The two have become fast friends’'

‘Sometimes family isn’t born - it’s found’: Orphaned wolf pup paired with wholesome rescue puppy to be her pawfect canine companion and manage her "spicy personality"

12 pictures of dogs, 8 pictures of text, and 1 video of dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture of dogs including 'She just had babies in the middle of the desert', one picture of dogs including 'Pretzel wasn't making enough milk because she was malnourished', and one picture of dogs including 'she is just the best dog.'

'After that, the puppies were so big and fat': Malnourished momma can't feed her puppies, she bonds with another mother to save her litter and get them all adopted (Video)

9 pictures of dogs, 10 pictures of text, and 1 video of dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture of a puppy including 'While out photographing I found this little guy lost or left behind in the mountains.', one picture of a man and puppy including 'He could barley walk and was covered in flies. I couldn't just leave him behind to.', and one picture of dogs including 'Adopted by my wife. I now have three dogs'

'He was adopted the first my wife!': Wildlife photographer finds lost puppy in the mountains, he puts him up for “adoption" but his wife says otherwise (Video)

12 pictures of animals, 8 pictures of text, and one video of a camel and horses | Thumbnail includes one picture of a camel including 'My horses, they never saw a camel before.', one picture of animals including 'funnier version of them, then they accepted him.', and one picture of a camel including 'and funny, playful camel.'

'They thought he was a big monster': Quirky camel rescued from petting zoo has trouble fitting in with new friends, but becomes part of the herd once they realize he's just goofy

10 pictures of animals, 7 pictures of text, and 1 video of animal rescue | Thumbnail includes one picture of a goat including 'we brought her home', one picture of animals, one picture of animals including 'Who knew that', and one picture of text including 'Baby goat finds the pawfect mom'

Who knew that a dog would become the perfect nanny?': Momma dog makes it her mission to raise rescue baby goat (Video)

6 pictures of dogs and 16 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs and one picture of text including 'Less than two weeks since being abandoned on street tied to a post'

'I have a feeling he's going to be a foster fail': Person finds gorgeous abandoned doggo tied to a street pole, they bring him into their family and he fits in pawfectly

22 pictures of animals, a woman, and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of an animal and one picture of a woman and an animal

Woman rescues timid "puppy" in distress, takes him to the vet, then finds out that he actually isn't a dog at all

22 pictures of dogs, puppies, and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog, one picture of puppies, and one picture of text including 'I unknowingly adopted a dog that was pregnant with 9 puppies'

‘We just thought she was fat’: Pet pawrent adopts female rescue doggo, she brings her surprise stash of nine puppies soon after

14 pictures of dogs and text, 8 pictures of text, and 1 video of dogs | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog including 'Out searching for a dog that has been M*$$ing for two days', one picture of a woman and dog including 'IT MAY BE TEMPTING TO TRY AND CATH NOW, BUT WE RISK SCARING HER AWAY AGAIN', and one picture of two dogs including 'YOU FOUND HER!!'

Search & rescue dog helps pupper pawrent make miraculous snowstorm save after finding her lost doggo who survived for two days in the wild (Video)

8 pictures of a puppy and text, 12 pictures of text, and one video of a puppy | Thumbnail includes one picture of a puppy including 'Sidewalk Specials All he had was this old piece of bread', one picture of a puppy including 'Sidewalk Specials We were there just in the nick of time for him.', and one picture of a dog including 'Sidewalk Specials And then he brings it to you.'

'All he had was this old piece of bread': Poor puppy offers his “emotional support” slice of bread to his rescuers, they save him and find him a loving foster family that adopts him immediately (Video)

9 pictures of a man and otter, 8 pictures of text, and 1 video of a man and otter | Thumbnail includes one picture of an otter including '@matsjanzon Leya the otter was rescued as a baby... e WE LOVE ANIMALS', one picture of an otter including '@matsjanzon They have a bond few people understand... WE LOVE ANIMALS', and one picture of a man and otter including '@matsjanzon Leya is definitely a very lucky little otter... WE LOVE ANIMALS'

Friendly guy rescues river otter as a baby, releases her back into the wild when she's fully healed, but she always comes back to hold his hand one more time (Video)

2 pictures of a dog and 18 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog and one picture of text including 'Sold my Counterstrike skins to save my dog’s life'

Kindhearted gamer sells his rare Counterstrike cosmetics to pay for doggo's emergency surgery, internet gives an awwdorable round of appaws: 'She is lucky to have you'

1 video of a man saving a dog | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a man and a dog, and one picture of text including 'Heartwarming hero saves doggo from drowning'

Heroic man jumps into freezing river to save drowning doggo, heartwarmingly reunites them with their worried pawrent (Video)

11 pictures of puppy healing, 7 pictures of text, and 1 video of a dog healing | Thumbnail includes one picture of a puppy including 'He was dumped by his owners at the ER looking like this', one picture of a puppy including 'He went to a foster home to recover', and one picture of a dog and woman including 'with the person who'd been with him since day 1'

"Ugly" puppy owners dump him at ER and drive off, he gets rescued, healed, and finds a heartwarming foster family that teaches him that hoomans aren't all bad

7 pictures of dog rescue, 7 pictures of text, and 1 video of dog rescue | Thumbnail includes one picture of a woman rescuing a dog, one picture of a woman rescuing a dog including 'tv', one picture of a woman rescuing a dog including 'Gapyeong, South Korea tv', and one picture of text including 'ukmits_merlin_luna Brave lady!! Then people ask why women would choose the Bear & not the man !! Brother filming Sister =HERO G'

Brave wholesome woman risks life to save brother's dog after he falls into frozen river, she rescues the drowning doggo from -11 degree water

14 pictures of a farm and animals, 11 pictures of text, and 1 video of families, farming, and animals | Thumbnail includes one picture of a parrot including 'Meet my dad Canada's harsh winters he', one picture of a man in nature including 'in harmony with nature', and one picture of animals including 'And right now the farm is'

Wholesome Dad Fulfills His Dream of Building Waste-Free Farm and Saves Countless Heartwarming Homeless Animals: 'It feels like something straight out of a fairy tale' (Video)

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