
Karen mom gets howlariously offended when random runner dotes over her doggo instead her hooman child, commenters confirm: ‘Puppies cuter than babies’ | thumbnail includes one image which shows a dog and a baby lying down with mouths open ‘Am I wrong for not cooing over a couple’s baby while petting their dog?’

Karen mom gets howlariously offended when random runner dotes over her doggo instead of her hooman child, commenters confirm: ‘Puppies are cuter than babies’

21 pictures of text, two pictures of nighttime, and one picture of a man following a woman | Thumbnail includes one picture of nighttime and one picture of text including ''Follow me back to my house for the police to arrest you!''

Responsible dog pawrent hounded by enraged Karen for their doggo doing business on her property, Karen chases her for miles, leading to an extraordinary escape with the help of a kind samaritan

20 pictures of text and 1 picture of a dog with service vest and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a service dog and one picture of text including 'The final straw? I found out she was taking photos of me and Max and posting them in a Facebook group about "fake service dogs," asking for ways to "expose" me. She included my full name and workplace.'

'[You] look too young to be disabled': Selfish Mother-of-3 Karen Questions Coworker's Legitimate Service Dog, She Tries to Expose Them and Fails, Then Gets Fired

26 pictures of text, 1 picture of a person looking through a window, and 1 picture of a dog | Thumbnail includes one picutre of a dog, one picture of a letter, and one picture of text including 'Getting accused by my my neighbor, through my HOA, of not picking up after my dog.'

Nosy Karen Neighbor Makes "Anonymous" Complaints to HOA About Devoted Dog Dad Not Doing His Doggo Duty, He Fires Back By Demanding Proof of Canine Criticism

21 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of dog grooming tools and one picture of text including '‘She demanded that I groom her dog immediately or else she will ruin me and my business. I tried to calmly explain that I don't work on Sundays so I can be with my family, she responded with "*** your family, I'm the client, my needs are more important!"’'

'I'm the client, my needs are more important!': Spicy Karen Demands Dedicated Dog Groomer Open On the One Day They're Closed, Gets Banned From the Shop After She Continues to Call Them for 3 Days Relentlessly

Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

Update: Guy Who Rescues 3-Legged Baby Squirrel and Whose Cat Becomes Its Adoptive Mother Gets Squirrel Taken Away By the Cops After a Karen Reports Him

Update: Guy Who Rescues 3-Legged Baby Squirrel and Whose Cat Becomes Its Adoptive Mother Gets Squirrel Taken Away By the Cops After a Karen Reports Him

20 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes 1 pictures including 'Font - One of the neighbor's kids became notorious at trying to climb over the fence to look at our horses, even after multiple warnings not to do that. On Friday, they managed to get through during the evening, so our guard dogs cornered them and didn't let them move. The mother called the police. I took the dogs away so the kids could go and the police officer said that I did nothing wrong, since guard dogs are allowed. The mother'

Karen's Kids Get Cornered By Dogs After They Trespass On Horse Farm, Attempts to Get Even By Contacting Local Press

bunny mom vows to call every single day to get the medication her rabbit needs

"Don't mess with mama!': Bunny mom promises to bombard vet office with calls every day after rude receptionist refuses to refill her sweet baby's medication

22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for not getting rid of my dog when my wife asked me to?' and 'Font -  But I'm also not willing to just give up on my dog. My wife on the other hand has no qualms rehoming her because of her being bitten and her simply being completely fed up with "revolving her life around a dog when she has a baby on the way and no energy" (missing her appointment and chasing the dog around for 4 hours truly made her resentful b'

"You have 6 months to find a new trainer and correct her behaviors or the dog is gone." - Husband Prioritizes Problematic Doggo Over Pregnant Wife, AITA?

4 TikTok videos where dog owners say that the worst part about having a reactive dog is that others will never see their sweet side | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a dog in a muzzle and the same dog leaning on a human's lap 'The hardest part of owning a reactive dog... Knowing that the world will never know the REAL you'

Hoomans Say That The Hardest Part About Owning A Reactive Doggo Is That Others Will Never See Their Sweet Side

11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "They brung the cat to the vet and the ones that stayed behind started scolding me. When they got the vet bills they told me to pay for it and saying this was my fault. I told them this wasn't my fault and they should've been responsible cat owners and listened when i told them to keep their cats off of my property."

Dog Owning Dude Warns Neighbors Of Letting Cats Onto His Property, Neighbors Don't Listen, Send Dude Fat Vet Bill

10 text images from Reddit Am I The Asshole Thread | thumbnail features two images, on the left is the interior of Ben Gurion airport and on the right is a Golden Retriever service dog wearing a red vest, overlaid text reads "AITA for refusing to give up my seat on a flight due to a person who has a guide dog and is visiting a family member in hospital due to the fact that I have a dog allergy? / Asshole"

Reddit Sticks It To Total Karen Who Threw A Fit Over Guide Dog On Flight

11 reddit text images, woman tells woman to leash her dog | thumbnail blue background text "I was sitting on the benches enjoying the sun, when the dog races up to another child who screams for their mom to pick them up. Dog lady comes up after the dog, apologizing and saying 'he just loooooooves kids so much!' I usually don't say anything because not my circus, not my monkey. I was in an off mood today tho, so I snap 'You need to socialize your f*cking dog, or leash it

Dog Owning Karen Takes Dog For A Stroll In The Park Off Leash, Thoughtful Bystander Interjects

12 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background "I laughed and walked away the next day I saw the moms were not impressed. They had called the cops and wanted the signs down. They admitted to putting signs up banning dog walking in front of the cops as well. The kicker?, Edit: to clarify there are existing signs warning people to leash their dogs, the signs put up from the moms ban dogs in that part of the park. This is why dog owners got mad."

Local Dog Owners Get Petty Revenge On Neighborhood Karens For Putting Up Fake Signs Forbidding Dogs

11 reddit text images | thumbnail text "My sister proceeded to tell me that there was a second dog that desperately needed a new foster, so she planned to take in that one as soon as her current dog was gone. So, she couldn't do anymore babysitting than she already is (sometimes she comes over to my house in the morning to help out). I could literally feel my stress levels spike. I haven't ever done this before, but I opened "

Entitled Karen Expects Her Sister To Stop Fostering Dogs So She Can Continue Babysitting Her Kids For Free

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