Animal Comedy Newsletter


24 pictures of corgis | Thumbnail includes two pictures of corgis

24 Judgmental Corgis Serving Serious Side-Eye For Canine Pawrents Who Like Being Judged By Sassy Potatoes

The Karens of the dog world
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28 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dalmatian - FEDEL IC 18249957 C3 THE ERSTATE FRUC ING PROTE LEGAL PR Cola Conchake bahat SERVE s 2006 T NOT IC 1824995' and 'Dog - TUN 다.'

25+ Dogs That Would Definitely Go To Heaven If Not For The Evidence In These Photos

They need a lawyer that bone-O
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41 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Felidae - 119' and 'Window - CF32'

30+ Animals Caught In The Comical Act Of Being A Jerk And Not Giving A Heck About It

Figures, it's mostly cats
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12 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Elephant - Elephants - A Review Hell yeah Big Boys @welcometomymemepage @wtmmp' and 'Brown bear - Bears - A Review Despite their soft appearance, there is a Sharpness to Bears that makes it very difficult for them to socialize with others. You cannot give a Bear a Bounce House, because she would not Appreciate the gesture. She would read into it too much - since you gave HER a gift, does that mean you now expect her to give YOU on'

12 Passive-Aggressive Animal Ratings That Made Us LOL

*sips coffee passive-aggressively*
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Your Fleece Isn't So Great...

judge sheep funny wool - 8048007680
See all captions Created by PrettyFunnyKitty

Never Judge the Melting Bird

birds judge funny melt - 7979352320

You Do Realize You Are Under Oath

bunnies judge lying eating carrots - 6807777536

Condescending Aye Aye

aye aye condescending jerk judge monkey primate you dont say - 5991597824
See all captions Created by TRAPDOORJO

Don't Question Seal's Opinions

disapprove dislike judge ocean seal water - 5909320960
See all captions Created by gudgrammer

Yes, Your Honor!

animals court frog judge shell - 5475561984
See all captions Created by Immicon_Lady