Animal Comedy Newsletter


Don't Talk to Me Until Monday: 24 Introvert Animal Funnies Hoomans Who Need Break Their Family This Weekend | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a frog lying on its back on a lilly pad ‘JOMO noun’ ‘Joy Of Missing Out; feeling content with staying in and disconnecting as a form of self-care.’, the other image shows bart simpson lying on a couch with three cats on his legs ‘When they ask me what I like do when I’m at home?’ ‘Me:’

Don't Talk to Me Until Monday: 24 Introvert Animal Funnies for Hoomans Who Need a Break from Their Family This Weekend

Some much needed P n’ Q - Peace and Quiet.
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24 Awkward Memes Animals Handling Human Introvert Problems Better Than Us | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a sheep on a rock that is wedged between two larger rocks ‘Basically how I’m handling life’ ‘This is fine I’m fine’, the other image shows a reindeer with tis front legs on a railing looking out over the view ‘idk what he going thru but i feel him’

24 Awkward Memes of Animals Handling Hooman Introvert Problems Better Than Us

They have generational wisdom on their side.
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Relatable animal memes for introverts | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a cat on high alert ‘my anxiety’ ‘literally nothing’, the other image shows four dogs three of which are standing up against a bench ‘“every group has that one friend”’

Relatable Animal Memes For All You Introverts Kicking It Under The Covers Today

Could there be anything sweeter?
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animal animals animal-memes dopamine serotonin mood-boosting mood animal-memes adorable cute wholesome relatable cuteness dogs cats heartwarming introvert introverts introverted

A Hearty Helping of Animal Meme Soup for the Introverted Soul

35 Introverted animal memes to replenish your social battery
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15 animal memes for people who love to be at home with their pets instead of going out | Thumbnail includes a picture of 5 raccoons sitting on a brown and purple couch and a picture of a possum wearing a blue and white robe 'Should I deal with my glaring emotional issues or should I just keep filling my house with more raccoons? Me all ready for another exciting day in the living room'

15 Relatable Animal Memes For People Who Don't Have Any Particular Plans For The Weekend Except For Chilling With Their Pets

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wholesome dogs homebody adorable puppy puppies nyc-dog rescue dog cute doggo introvert chihuahua viral pup silly dog - 1647367

Cutest Homebody Pup Is Always Ready to Go Home and Will Do a Full 180 When His Mom Asks Him if He Wants to Leave

“I love everything about my dog, but really I love that his favorite thing is going home.”
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Dog Owners of Introverted Pups Bring Their Dogs Together and Create the Worlds Most Awkward Dog Party

Dog Owners of Introverted Pups Bring Their Dogs Together and Create the Worlds Most Awkward Dog Party

All the dogs are looking around like, “mom, come pick me up, I'm not having fun…”
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