Animal Comedy Newsletter


Poor Puppies and Momma Doggo Rescued by Wholesome Heroes From Flooded House, Save the Whole Fuzzy Family In Heroic Act of Humanity | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a man from behind carrying a dog into floodwaters ‘Probably a good 400 yards’, the second image shows a man carrying two puppies in a house ‘I convinced my friend Shai, who’s’, the third image shows a man carrying a scared dog ‘We’re back’

Poor Puppies and Momma Doggo Rescued by Wholesome Heroes From Flooded House, Save the Whole Fuzzy Family In Heroic Act of Humanity

This is some seriously heartwarming stuff.
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Cute canine pictures and memes of dogs being heartwarming heroes | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a dog lying on a child’s lap who is having dental work done ‘This support dog gives comfort to the children at the dentist’ ‘Dogs are our best helpers. Do you agree?’ ‘@cutedogssintheworld’, the other image shows a smiling dog next to a bag of blood ‘HE DONATED BLOOD TO SAVE ANOTHER PUPS LIFE AND HE’S SO PROUD’

A Collection Of Cute Canine Pictures And Memes Of Dogs Being The Heartwarming Heroes They Are

We all need a hero
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13 pictures of text, landscape, dogs and houses | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Window - GADDA WORLD' and 'Dog'

Heroic Pit Bull Saves Baby From Burning Building By Leading Firefighters To One-Year-Old Amid Smoke And Panic (13 Images)

Not all heroes wear capes, and some just want head scratches
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