
22 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog and one picture of text including '‘It was so annoying and we stupidly focused on distracting her rather than ever asking why she was doing it.’'

'I've learned my lesson': Heroic family dog saves her hoomans' lives by barking nonstop at "nothing", until they started to smell gas

 ‘Our pup still freaking out wanting Baby Collie back’: Jealous labrador sibling tears up border collie’s favorite toy, hero pawrent saves day sewing toy back together | thumbnail includes one image which shows a border collie lying on a bed with a soft toy that looks the same as the dog ‘My dog’s favorite toy was destroyed today while he desperately tried to get someone to help him’

‘Our pup is still freaking out wanting his Baby Collie back’: Jealous labrador sibling tears up border collie’s favorite toy, hero pawrent saves the day sewing the toy back together

‘He’s a hero’: Pupper’s keen sense smell loyalty saves family home reptile sibling from disastrous fire | thumbnail includes one image which shows a border collie sitting in a field with a tree behind him ‘The first time he saved a life was when he was perhaps a year or two old.’

‘He’s a hero’: Pupper’s keen sense of smell and loyalty saves family home and reptile sibling from disastrous fire

Two doggos stuck hiking accident, howls help until heroic hooman makes miraculous save: ‘two dogs were inseparable’ | thumbnail includes one image which shows two beagles standing beside a falled tree trunk in the woods howling ‘I rescued some dogs stuck on a wilderness cliff today.’

Two doggos get stuck in hiking accident, one howls for help until heroic hooman makes miraculous save: ‘The two dogs were inseparable’

1 video of a man saving a dog | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a man and a dog, and one picture of text including 'Heartwarming hero saves doggo from drowning'

Heroic man jumps into freezing river to save drowning doggo, heartwarmingly reunites them with their worried pawrent (Video)

60 Precious Puppers Rescued Hero Hoomans Dog Fighting Ring, Now Get Fighting Chance Living Happy Wholesome Life | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a smiling dog on a natural background ‘“He had his own ring and 60 dogs in atrocious condition.”’

60 Precious Puppers Rescued by Hero Hoomans from Dog Fighting Ring, Now Get a Fighting Chance at Living a Happy and Wholesome Life

Homeless Puppy Rescued Heartwarming Hero Hooman Who Patiently Pulled Her Out Her Shy Shell Taught Her Experience Joy | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a woman driving in a car and a white dog lying down in the back seat ‘1 month ago i decided to foster this puppy, who was a nervous wreck’, the second image shows a skinny white dog poking its tongue out in a field, the third image shows a sassy white dog lying on a bed ‘Slept like a baby in the cold AC, had meals 3-4 times a day!’

Homeless Puppy Rescued by Heartwarming Hero Hooman Who Patiently Pulled Her Out of Her Shy Shell and Taught Her to Experience Joy

25 dog memes | Thumbnail includes one dog picture and one dog meme including 'he's not just a dog he's a soldier'

25 Working Woofs That Prove They Are the Unsung Heroes on a Dog Leash

Awwdorable Abandoned Pups Found Hero Hoomans Fluffy Forever Home | thumbnail includes three images one image shows two puppies one white and one brown sitting on dirt ‘Someone abandoned these pups on the road beside our house.’, the second image shows a white puppy licking the back of a human hand ‘They were so sweet and snuggly’, the third image shows a boy in a pram reaching out to touch a brown puppy while a woman behind him holds a white puppy ‘We decided to take them home’

Awwdorable Abandoned Pups Found By Hero Hoomans Find Their Fluffy Forever Home

Baby Mouse Rescued Nursed Health Wholesome Hooman Hero Member Fuzzy Fluffy Family | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a baby mouse in a man’s hand ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘anything for herself at the time.’, the second image shows two smiling humans one is holding a mouse in their hand ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘very loving with her.’, the third image shows a baby mouse using two hands to eat food ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘Molly Bean was truly lucky that Eric found her on the street…’

Baby Mouse Rescued And Nursed Back To Health By Wholesome Hooman Hero Becomes Member Of Their Fuzzy Fluffy Family

6 pictures of dogs and 20 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of stray dogs and one picture of text including 'Caring for stray dogs in Saudi Arabia.'

Heartwarming Human Hero Works to Save Pack of Stray Doggos, Internet Wholesomely Works Together to Help Them Survive and Thrive

19 tweets hannah riley

Vet's Office Accidentally Loses Woman's Senior Dog, She Launches Incredible Internet Campaign to Bring Hazel Home

viral twitter thread about a dog that saved a whole neighborhood by detecting a gas leak | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog wearing reindeer ears and a dog next to a hole in the ground and some text 'Meet Kobe, a four-year-old husky from a Philadelphia neighborhood who turned into a local hero. Kobe's owner, Chanell Bell, noticed him persistently digging a hole in her front yard. This was unusual behavior for Kobe, which piqued Chanell's curiosity.'

Heroic Husky Saves Entire Neighborhood From Disaster By Detecting A Dangerous Gas Leak And Becomes A Local Hero

22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a woman and a service dog, one picture of text including 'Did your dog save you?' and one picture of text including 'I'm in recovery from alcohol and when I was at my worst my chihuahua was the only thing that kept me from giving up. Knowing I had to remain functional enough to feed and walk her kept me from complete self destruction, as did her unconditional love. Now I'm doing great and so is she. I truly consider her my angel. Do you'

22 Tail-Wagging Tales Of Heartwarming Canine Heroism That Made Us Paws For Applause

21 memes of stories of a dog shelter volunteer | Thumbnail includes one meme of a woman and dog hugging including 'Dog - FAVORITE DOG GETS ADOPTED imgflip.com CRY AS SOON AS THEY LEAVE THE SHELTER' and one picture of text including 'Font - This is basically the story of my life. Its really hard not to fall in love with each and every dog there so you need to have a barrier up to distance yourself from the dogs. Even with that, some of them leave real holes in your heart when they are ad'

21 Emotional Stories From The Heroes That Volunteer At Dog Shelters

hero heroes heroic heroics dogs dogs-of-9-11 doggos doggo canine search-and-rescue emergency emergency-response cute-dogs tragedy heartwarming wholesome

A Heartwarming Homage to the Heroic Canines of 9/11

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