
17 wholesome animal memes | thumbnail left dog snap "She ate pumpkin seeds, pooped them out, and they started growing. Here she is sitting next to her work" thumbnail right tweet "Sarah Williams @misanthropologa During teaching today I was petting my cat and my co-teacher announced it and asked to see the cat. Then no fewer than 60% of the students reached down and pulled THEIR cats up into view of the cameras and suddenly my Zoom squares were all cats and everything was perfect."

Take A Paws For Animal Memes And Tweets Of The Most Wholesome Variety

5 short dog videos | thumbnail three panels two doggos having movie night

Insta Doggos: Funniest Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

20 animal memes and tweets | thumbnail left dory tweet "Melanie Bracewell @meladoodle The most amazing thing about Finding Dory is how they managed to put a receding hairline on a fish" thumbnail right cow looking guilty

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul (May 17, 2022)

13 animal tweets | thumbnail vintage image of boy playing banjo with his dog "a young boy playing the banjo with his dog, 1920"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (May 15, 2022)

14 funny dog tweets | thumbnail left and right dogs in fields of flowers "dogs in flower fields"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (May 13, 2022)

20 animal snapchats | thumbnail left squirrel eating pizza "yesterday I found my spirit animal", thumbnail right bird seated on human hand

Best Of The Week: A Collection Of Humorous Animal Snaps Full Of Comedic Value (May 12th, 2022

12 dog rate tweets | thumbnail dog archie standing on top of man's back "WeRateDogs® @dog_rates This is Archie. He said he was a chiropractor as a joke. This guy believed him and now he's in too deep. 13/10 really committed to the bit The Muscular System THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ALT 4:05 AM · Apr 28, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone 12.8K Retweets 811 Quote Tweets 150.9K Likes"

12 Pawesome New Dog Rate Tweets By 'We Rate Dogs'

5 funny dog videos | thumbnail three slots dog nails being clipped person wearing plastic hat covered in peanut butter

Insta Doggos: Funniest Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week

24 memes and tweets animal themed | thumbnail left parrot left wearing a hat, thumbnail right rats eating a cake

Mid-Week Animal Memes And Tweets For The Soul

15 animal tweets | thumbnail image of medieval drawn bat "weird medieval guys @WeirdMedieval possibly the cutest ever rendition of a bat, england, 13th century qau vutone tol'lhuné goecat. a ual qi fibr unuicem adherur-c 2:01 PM · Apr 28, 2022 · Twitter Web App 18.1K Retweets 907 Quote Tweets 107.9K Likes"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (May 8, 2022)

18 animal snaps | thumbnail left old lady feeding squirrels snap, thumbnail right hamster preaching to three hamsters

Best Of The Week: A Collection Of Humorous Animal Snaps Full Of Comedic Value (May 5th, 2022)

18 dog memes | thumbnail left woman on ground cuddling dog, thumbnail right when you've had a long day and you're just like... dog with heavy head

A Whole Bunch Of Super Silly Dog Memes

20 animal snaps | thumbnail left duck knocking at door snap "Heard a knock at my door. Was expecting pizza, but instead..." thumbnail right 4 bearded dragons of different colors snap

Best Of The Week: A Splendid Collection Of Comedic Animal Snaps Full Of Humor And Silliness

original ICanHasCheezburger story about a tiny pig | thumbnail includes two pictures including a piglet sniffing grass and a piglet leaning on a cage

Abandoned Pot-Bellied Pig Teaches Public That Farm Animals Have Feelings Too

14 animal tweets | thumbnail image of huge turtle "it seems to be a lie, but it's not @sincerity_pics Born in 1832, Jonathan the Turtle is expected to turn 190 in 2022. This makes him the oldest known land animal alive today. 6:31 PM · Apr 20, 2022 · Twitter for Android"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (April 24, 2022)

story about a stray dog getting rescued and looking for a forever home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog wearing a green bandana and a kid's drawing and letter

Stray Dog Finds Love From Many Helping Him Seek Forever Home