Animal Comedy Newsletter

happy ending

Little Girl has the Most Heartwarming Moment When She Finally Finds Her Lost Dog

Little Girl has the Most Heartwarming Moment When She Finally Finds Her Lost Dog

“Never underestimate a little girl's love for her dogs.”
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Severely Emaciated Pit Bull Surprises Her Rescuer by Breaking Away From the Leash to Shower the Neighborhood Kids With Love

Severely Emaciated Pit Bull Surprises Her Rescuer by Breaking Away From the Leash to Shower the Neighborhood Kids With Love

“She's never met kids before. You're the first kids she's met and look at how happy she is!”
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Sweetest Dog Completely Covered in Ticks Emerges from the Woods, Rescuers Give Him an Amazing Transformation

Sweetest Dog Completely Covered in Ticks Emerges from the Woods, Rescuers Give Him an Amazing Transformation

“He is so sweet how could anyone just drop him off?? I would be a hysterical mess if I lost such a sweetheart.”
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viral videos animal-content dog mom little-girl-and-her-dog adorable-story happy ending found dog dog story soul-dog - 2060807

Little Girl Finds Her Soul Puppy with Frightened Stray Dog Who Wouldn't Come Out from Hiding for Anybody Else, Names Her Magic

The scared fur baby wouldn't come out from hiding for anybody, until this sweet little girl approached.
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stolen dog gets returned to family after two years, the happiest wholesome reunion ensues

Emotional Scene Erupts When a Family is Finally Reunited with Their Beloved Pet Dog After He Was Stolen From Them Two Years Ago (Video)

They never gave up on getting their sweet fur baby back to them.
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man is shocked while waiting for the elevator when he all of a sudden sees a tiny dog dangling between floors with his leash and harness caught in the doors, rescued the dog and he was completely unharmed

Guy Just Waiting for Elevator Hears a Quiet Noise, Looks Up to Find Small Dog Dangling From Leash Caught in the Doors, Rescues Him

The dog was in a harness, so he just comfortably and (literally) hung out until someone came to rescue him.
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video of a man noticing a baby raccoon swimming in the ocean and rescuing it | thumbnail includes one picture of a baby raccoon swimming in the ocean near a fishing boat

Man Spots Baby Racoon Swimming In The Ocean, The Raccoon Climbs Aboard And Sleeps On His Boat All Day (Video)

This man derailed his whole day to help this sleepy raccoon
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Homeless Woman Gives Up Her Beloved Dog Along with Heartbreaking Note in Hopes of Finding Her a Better Home, Animal Shelter Locates Owner, Reunites Them and Raises the Resources for Them to Tackle Homelessness Together

Homeless Woman Gives Up Her Beloved Dog Along with Heartbreaking Note in Hopes of Finding Her a Better Home, Animal Shelter Locates Owner, Reunites Them and Raises the Resources for Them to Tackle Homelessness Together

It's our duty as a society to keep loving families of all shapes and sizes together whenever we can—that includes beloved pets.
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16 comments and 1 picture of a cat | Thumbnail includes two images including 'Cat', 'Cat' and one comment including 'Smile - 43.2k r/cats Posted by u/hylice 2 days ago O: N 59 219 21 21 2 32 This is my cat, Chury, she's 21 years. Yesterday my girlfriend yelled: "can't wait till the day she's d**d ", for a mess with the litter. Today I packed everything and I'm ready to leave. What would you have done?'

Kitty Controversy: Viral Reddit Thread Forces Boyfriend To Choose Between Girlfriend Or Cat (17 Pictures)

What would you have done?
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dog on hospice is now completely healthy after two years

'Rhya is our little miracle baby': Dog on Hospice and Given 3 Months to Live Celebrates Her 2 Years of Life and a Clean Bill of Health

With a lotta of love, patience, and medical attention, this miracle baby flourished back to life and now is the happiest pup alive.
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cattle dog helps save frozen calf born in below freezing weather

Feel Good Story: Frozen Calf Born in -6 Degree Weather Miraculously Comes Back to Life With the Help of Doggy Brother

If you're a farmer who has ever been through a winter calving season, then you know the very real fear…
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video of people rescuing an anteater who got stuck on some power lines | thumbnail includes two pictures of an anteater stuck on power lines

An Amazing Rescue Of An Anteater Who Got Stuck On A Dangerous Power Lines (Video)

An amazing rescue done by amazing people.
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story about a camel getting rescued in the desert and driven to safety in a jeep | thumbnail includes one photo of a group of men putting a camel into a vehicle

After Encountering An Injured Camel In The Desert, Kind Samaritans Place It In Their Jeep And Drive It To Safety

A once in a lifetime story.
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reindeer wears Christmas antler decoration and gets confidence

Depressed Reindeer Can’t Grow His Own Antlers, Farmer Gives Him Festive Christmas Santa Antlers, Is Instantly Happier

“The fact that they made him more confident is literally the best thing I’ve seen all day.”
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woman spends 6 years befriending abused dog, finally gets to rescue him

'The dedication is inspirational:' Woman spends 6 years to fully gain abused dog's trust, is finally able to rescue him

“It was such a relief to finally get him!”
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depressed pet jumping spider becomes happy after human mom shows her love

'I'm literally crying right now': Woman viral for showing the cute side of spiders shares inspirational story of how love saved her depressed pet spider

A spider depressed from losing her baby but feeling better after getting some love from her human was not on our list of what would make us cry today, yet here we are.
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