
24 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog', 'Dog - Do no ea no', and 'Font - HRH Lady LynnetteLock F... @itsallymcmental NYC have banned dogs on the subway unless they can fit in a bag New Yorkers said "ok we can do that"'

24 Bad Dogs Breaking All The Rules By Riding The Subway In Bags After New York Bans Dogs From Riding

21 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - 1962 LoVe @lexx_lugorrr The older I get the more I understand why roosters just scream to start their day.' and 'Product - basic adult Me accomplishing responsibilities and being proud of myself for doing my best'

21 Empathetic Animal Memes And Tweets That 100% Pass The Vibe Check This Week

27 dog memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - me sneaking into the kitchen with no pants on at 2:24 am to eat shredded cheese' and 'Dog - Don't ask But yes, I could use some help'

Doggie Dump of Dopamine To Ride Until The End Of The Work Week (February 28, 2023)

42 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Head - Her: What's your cats name? Me: "Dick Face" Her: Why? G' and 'Dog breed - How dare you call me mentally unstable, on this, the day of my cat's quinceanera'

30+ Humorous Animal Memes For All The Those Who Want To Tickle Their Funny Bone

43 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - [Speed date] Girl: yeah, I'm into bad boys Dog: *stands up* I think we're done here' and 'Rectangle - copiccanary georgeofoldvalyria NEW RESEARCH Jellyfish apocalypse not coming thatfunnyblog: disappointing Source: lonelyheartsde... 60,177 notes'

Friday Happy Hour: 42 Animal Memes That Brought Us To A Happier Place

27 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Font - What's the Most Outrageous Request Ever Made At Your Veterinary Clinic?', 'Font - Marianne Furler I was asked by a client to discuss my diagnosis and suggested treatment with the patient - a guinea pig - through a animal communicator to see if the guinea pig would agree. I was pleased to hear that the animal thought that I was very nice and gentle and that it would trust my judgement... (At least the guinea pig was able'

27 Horrifically Hilarious Veterinary Stories About Dogs, Cats, And Everything In Between

36 pictures of people and dogs and 1 video of people and dogs | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Gesture', 'Joint - OGUE OCESS furkfurkfurk ROGUE UND', 'Shoulder - it smells here' and one comment including 'Font - madmax_fluffyroad The most important thing that Maxine learned in 2022: Never furk with your train conductor. Thx @devasaurus'

Maxine "The Backpack Corgi" Goes On a Heavy Adventure With Her New Friend, The Most Jacked Train Conductor In Existence (Pictures & Video)

19 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for allowing two teenagers to be spit on by a llama?' and 'Font - I told them "you might want to cut that out! Llamas spit in self-defense." But they kind of laughed my warning off.  Now, I knew that llama spit was a whole lot worse than they probably thought it was. But I decided not to tell them about that. I figured if they persisted, I'd trust the llama to teach them a lesson.'

AITA?: Zoo Employee Lets Llama To Defensively Spit Disgusting Snot On Terrible Teenagers, Then Locks Them Out Of The Bathroom So They Can't Clean Themselves

30 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Bird - What the bloody hell is AN OWL • An Owl is a Pigeon filled with anger and knowledge. Basically a violent balloon covered in feathers. • An Owl's natural predators are hurricanes and wizards. • Owls live for 300 years if they don't die first. Dave' and 'Dog - PUG FACTS • Unreliable taxi drivers • Laser eyes (up until 1989) • Immune to fancy dress Basically a normal dog that got shot into a wall or something • Breathe like Dar'

"What In The Bloody Hell Is That?!" - 30 Cheeky Animal Anecdotes To Read Through Instead Of Finishing The Workday

List of funny and cute crab memes | thumbnail includes two images including a crab wearing a hat - 'Are you just gonna scroll past me without saying yee-claw' and a crab on an alligator - 'me being an introvert afraid to talk to people my best friend extrovert helping me make more friends'.

Crafty Crab Collection: 16 Crab Crabtastic And Crablarious Memes To Make You Beam

28 tweets of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - WeRateDogs® @dog_rates Feb 5 This is Maui. He appreciates you getting him his own cozy bed, unless that means yours is off-limits now. 12/10 ALT .' and 'Vertebrate - WeRateDogs® @dog_rates Feb 16 This is Hercules. He just moved his queen to B5, leaving your king with no escape. Would tell you it's over but wants to watch you slowly realize that yourself. 13/10 ALT'

Fresh Dog Rates For A Ruff Workday That Deserve A Round Of A-Paws (25+ Tweets)

22 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Photograph - Horses get farted on more than any other animal' and 'Panda - "I believe I asked for the sauce on the SIDE"'

22 Outrageous Animal Memes That 100% Pass The Vibe Check This Week

33 dog memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - Stop pulling on your leash you're choking yourself! Don't kink shame me, Lisa!' and 'Dog - Guys if anyone asks, we found him like this, OK'

Doggie Dump of Dopamine To Ride Until The End Of The Work Week (February 21, 2023)

26 photos of hamsters and text and 1 video of hamsters | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Organism - If you've ever wondered what it looks like when a hamster empties their cheek pouches: @plueschraupe' and 'Small animal food - If you've ever wondered what it looks like when a hamster empties their cheek pouches: @plueschraupe' and two comments including 'Font - stefanavich_colt My man just dropped everything in his inventory' and 'Font - bowaline When you forget your reusable grocer'

Hamster Teaches Us The Right Way To Avoid Extra Baggage Fees At The Airport In Adorably Cute Viral Video (Pictures & Video)

23 animal tweets | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - why the long face' and 'Cat - P Achievement Unlocked! farted'

Lunchbreak Funnies: 23 Silly Animal Tweets With Hilarious Captions To Brighten Up Your Workday

33 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - When I go to a party and start acting weird because I don't know anybody @tank.sinatra PIGNORE ME I'm afraid' and 'Cat - 28918 coolcatgroup An important document unclefather Follow I want him on my desk by tomorrow morning'

33 Pawsitively Funny Animal Memes To Lift Your Spirits Knowing We're All Going Back To Work Tomorrow