funny memes

This page is for the Funny memes tag and is intended to include memes that are "trying" to be funny, as well as actual "funny memes", which is a subtle, yet very important inclusion detail that we felt needed to be pointed out. We also keep an updated list of the best funny memes which are filtered and sorted based on basic social media metrics. We've been told some of those are pretty funny.

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a dog with a scroll 'Dog - My dad is a lawyer and he takes his dog, Frannie, to work. He trained her to deliver documents to other lawyers up and down the hall. She gets paid in milk bones.' and an elephant 'Vertebrate - 20² | 公牛in 兴隆 TERATA Daily Mail Angry wild elephant 'destroys cars and houses' in a Chinese town after 'failing to find a girlfriend to mate' FOLLOW'

Rise And Shine With The Funniest Animal Memes Of The Week (October 1, 2023)

20+ Quack-tastic Duck Memes to Waddle Your Way Through the Weekend With

20+ Quack-Tastic Duck Memes to Waddle Your Way Through the Weekend With

40 dog memes and pics

Dose Of Doggo Delight In The Form of 40 Hilarious Canine Memes and Pics Curated Especially For Dog Lovers

35 animal memes

30 Of The Silliest Animal Memes We Found On The Internet Today (September 30, 2023)

39 animal memes

Marvelous Mid-Day Memeage In The Form Of 35+ Remarkably Silly Animal Memes Curated For Human Goofballs

32 pictures of dogs and their new sibling | thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs and their new sibling

32 Dogs Whose Lives Were Ruined When Their Owner Got Them a Sibling

36 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Vertebrate - Rare photos of me jumping to conclusions' and 'Hair - Somedays you just add a bow tie to your chicken hat and get on with life as best you can.'

35+ Hilarious Animal Memes To Help You Giggle Your Way Out Of The Office And Into The Weekend (September 28, 2023)

hilarious dogs adorable dog memes funny memes Memes doggo funny dogs silly funny - 22385157

40+ Mood Lifting Dog Memes For A Better Day (September 28, 2023)

35 rat memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Rodent - When you bite a human but he doesn't catch the plague' and 'Photograph - Jealousy Is a disease get well soon'

30+ Reckless Rat Memes For Funny Domesticated Rodent Lovers Who Live Life On The Squeaky Side

26 animal memes and tweets

Mid-Week Treat: 25+ Animal Memes and Tweets For The Soul (September 27, 2023)

weekly collection of funny animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a duck running a race 'Bird - Yup That Exists @yup.that.exists YUP American duck named Wrinkle becomes the first duck to run in the New York Marathon. FFEE HE NYPD' and a cat 'Cat - jeeyonardo dicaprio @jeeyonshim Follow X Guess who taught himself how to open the rice cooker and woke me up by screaming in between mouthfuls of hot rice 5:52 PM Jun 6, 2023 â„—'

Stir Some Fresh Animal Memes Into Your Morning Coffee And Laugh Away Into Another Workday (September 27, 2023)

47 animal memes

45+ Mood Lifting Animal Memes For The Soul (September 26, 2023)

47 memes about dogs | thumbnail includes two pictures of dog memes

47 Tail-Waggingly Wholesome Dog Memes (September 25, 2023)

41 animal memes

Magnificent Monday Memage In The Form Of 40+ Incredibly Humorous Animal Memes Curated For Human Goofballs

24 memes about dogs | thumbnail includes two pictures of dog memes

24 Wholesome Dog Memes to Make Your Tail Wag (September 24, 2023)

list of funny and fresh animal memes | thumbnail includes two memes including people stuck to a wall 'Stairs - Absolutely nobody: Geckos:' and a bunch of black chickens 'Bird - How can I tell if the chicks are getting enough milk? They have 3 moms raising them so it's hard to tell. I often find them up under the moms, I assume nursing, but it's hard to tell if they are growing enough.'

Rise And Shine With The Funniest Animal Memes Of The Week (September 24, 2023)