funny dogs

A listicle with 12 photos of greyhounds | Thumbnail includes a black greyhound laying on the floor wearing a red hat and a black greyhound covered in a green blanket

12 Goofy Greyhounds Showcasing Their Long Limbs And Quirky Personalities

A TikTok video and 13 comments about a dog that sits every time she wants a treat | Thumbnail includes a German Shorthaired Pointer standing and sitting 'If I sits, i get snacks'

Doggo Delight: Sassy Shorthaired Pointer Uses The One And Only Command She Knows To Get Treats

dog video, cute dogs, small dogs, small dog video, viral, tiktok, celine dion, my heart will go on, whitney houston, lip syncing, lip sync, performance, mariah carey, ahsley simpson, fail, drama

Singing Chihuahuas Blow Whitney Houston and Celine Dion Out of the Water With Amazing, and Viral, Lip Synching Performance

Animal Lovers Show off Their Pet's Roller Coaster of Emotions through Pawdorable Trend on TikTok

Animal Lovers Show off Their Pet's Roller Coaster of Emotions through Pawdorable Trend on TikTok

A TikTok video of a man training his dog to stop jumping on people and comments from the comment section | Thumbnail includes three screenshots of a man training his greyhound and giving him a treat

Man Trains Excited Doggo Out Of Jumping On People By Acting Like An Excited Doggo Himself

5 TikToks of dogs that are obsessed with their dads | Thumbnail includes a pitbull laying on his dad, a brown rescue dog hugging his dad, and a puppy retriever 'My dog, who I rescued with my bare hands from starvation and neglect, to my husband who didn't even want another dog....And now they are soulmates and do everything together. My dog to his dad who does the absolute bare minimum. ✔TikTok @louiethecream Louie forever bonding with his dad as he takes him down his first escalator ride'

Codependent TikTok Doggos Declare Their Love For Men

5 TikTok videos of funny dogs and their silly behaviours any dog owner can relate to | Thumbnail includes a lab laying in bed smiling, a small brown puppy sitting on a couch, and a black and white dog standing on his feet begging for food 'POV: you wake up and I'm the first thing you see Growling at the pillow for not being comfy enough I can't tell him that he's been standing there for 15 minutes begging for lettuce'

Weekly Dose Of Doggo Delight: Sassy, Slurpy, Silly And Side Eyes

15 dog tweets | thumbnail image of woman with dog at bar tweet "Luciano @mayubean Everyone's getting engaged/having babies meanwhile here I am at a bar with my dog .. 3:37 AM · May 16, 2022 · Twitter for iPhone"

Bestest Most Rufferific Doggo Tweets Of The Week (May 20, 2022)

TikToker Who Acts Out How Different Dog Breeds React to Robbers is All We Need on the Internet Right Now

TikToker Who Acts Out How Different Dog Breeds React to Robbers is All We Need on the Internet Right Now

6 TikTok videos of dogs and a trend where they share their human's toxic traits | Thumbnail includes a golden retriever, a Pomeranian, and a german shepherd 'If they tell you their food is poison.. Then why are they eating it ? they get you a sibling you're meant to be an only child! They've installed a new security system. "They don't trust your instincts!"'

POV: Doggos List All The Reasons They Think Their Hooman Is Toxic

7 TikToks where dog owners tell their dogs about the hardships dogs had to endure a couple of hundreds of years ago | Thumbnail includes a big white dog, a small grey dog with big ears, and a black french bulldog 'Did you know that if you were born like a couple hundred years earlier. You would have to live OUTSIDE.. and fight for every meal you've ever had?'

Dog Owners Give Their Doggos A 'When I Was Your Age' Lecture To Get Them To Be More Appreciative

An article with 6 tiktok videos about dogs who live up to their breed stereotypes | Thumbnail includes German Shepherd with his paw on his leash, a doberman with his mouth open, and a basset hound in the rain 'nope throwing a temper tantrum bc i won't take her to the park since she's sick  AND in heat come get soaking wet ears with poppy'

Doggo Delight: Funny Doggos Live Up To Breed Stereotypes

Dog's Mind is Absolutely Blown After Seeing Another Dog on TV Open a Fridge Door, Goes Viral

Dog's Mind is Absolutely Blown After Seeing Another Dog on TV Open a Fridge Door, Goes Viral

6 TikTok videos of dogs pretending to write emails to their grandparents, vets, and other | Thumbnail includes a black dog, a brown dog, and a golden retriever 'To Mr Vet Oscar does not need the appointment anymore He eats lots of treats and is perfectly healthy Please do not contact us again Goodbye forever.. Dear Dad:  Sorry I threw up in your backpack. I was looking for my new toy Emailing my breeder to take me back because I was raised on acres of land with horses, goats and chickens'

Doggos Go Digital And Take Up Emailing To Write Complaint Letters, Diary Entries, And Cancel Vet Appointments

7 TikTok videos of a TikTok trend where people share realities with their dogs | Thumbnail includes an Italian grey hound, a big fluffy black dog, and a Dachshund 'Explaining to my dog licking inside my ear isn't enjoyable for me. when mom says that not everyone wants to be body slammed when entering the house When my hooman tell me eating cat sh*t is disgusting.'

A TikTok Trend Where Doggos Get Told Hard Truths About Life But Aren't Ready To Accept Them

5 TikTok videos of Phil the puppy who loves bubble baths | Thumbnail includes three screenshots of Phil the puppy near a white bathtub 'How Phil tells me he wants a bubble bath How Phil tells me he wants a bubble bath When you drop your toy in the bathtub..'

Phil The Puppy Rolls Around In Mud All Day So He Can Get A Bubble Bath At Night