Animal Comedy Newsletter


10 pictures of animals and text, 12 pictures of text, 1 video of animal rescue | Thumbnail includes two pictures of animals and one picture of a lamb including 'I found a lamb while walking the dogs, and after freeing her from the bushes, she followed us home and became the newest member of the pack....'

Wool You Be My Friend? Lost Lamb Follows Adorable Animal Lover Home, They Rescue Her and She Finds Her Furrever Family With Her Unique Doggo Pack (Video)

This gives a whole new meaning to the term 'sheepdog'
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20 pictures of a bird and a dog, 1 video of a bird and a dog | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a bird and a dog including 'Peggyandmolly' and one picture of a bird and a dog

Doggo and Magpie Develop Unique Relationship and Become Feathery Fun-Loving Friends in Heartwarming Video Showing That Love Goes Deeper Than Fur & Feathers

You could say that they're both a little bird-brained
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Mini-Cow and Duck Become Inseparable Besties Who Love to Go Swimming Together, Goes Viral

Mini-Cow and Duck Become Inseparable Besties Who Love to Go Swimming Together, Goes Viral

Very mootivational for any friendship.
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22 pictures of a man, swan, and text, 6 pictures of text, and 1 video of a man, swan, and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of swan including 'This swan was unfortunately stuck in a fence...', one picture of a swan and a man including 'From that day on, they were inseparable...', and one picture of a man and a swan including 'To make the swan happy and give her a special space,'

Heroic Man Saves Scared Swan Stuck in a Fence, Swan Repays Him by Becoming His Heartwarming Protector and Giving Him Her Feathered Friendship Forever (Video)

From fence to family with one simple act
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20 Exclusive Dog Memes for Your Daily Dose of Doggo Delight

20 Exclusive Dog Memes for Your Daily Dose of Doggo Delight

This is your reminder to appreciate the simple pleasures of life... like doggo memes.
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26 pictures of a tortoise and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a tortoise and one picture of text including '‘I fed this box tortoise and now she visits me daily’'

'I think I made a lifelong friend': Hungry Tortoise Fed by Kindhearted Woman, Now the Silly Slowpoke Visits Her Garden Daily Resulting in a Wholesome Fruitful Friendship

Love comes in all shapes and sizes
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Fearful Fox Saved Heroic Hooman Nursed Him Health, Releasing Wild Leaves Sweet Surprise Token Furrever Friendship | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a fox with a cone around its neck ‘Despite its ordeal, the fox showed incredible resilience’ ‘looove’, the second image shows a fox with its eyes closed being scratched under the chin by a human ‘and sometimes acting like a playful child’, the third image shows a happy fox ‘and strengthening their unbreakable bond’

Fearful Fox Saved By Heroic Hooman Who Nursed Him Back To Health, After Releasing Him Back Into The Wild He Leaves Them With A Sweet Surprise As A Token Of Their Furrever Friendship

This has got all the fluffy feels.
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30 pictures of loving animal pairs

Darling Animal Duos Embracing Each Other In Beautiful Expressions Of Love And Affection

Everybody say love
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13 pictures of a dog and sharks, 14 pictures of text, and 1 video of a dog and sharks | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog swimming including 'She loves to swim with them.', one picture of a dog and a shark including 'Out of all the sharks, Sharky she loves the most.', and one picture of a dog and a shark including 'She's the only one to come here so often.'

Watch This Courageous Canine Befriend a Pack of Sharks Over the Course of Two Years, Creating a Unique Friendship Between Two Wholesome Animals

You have to see it to believe it
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11 pictures of a pig and a cat, 13 pictures of text, and 1 video of a pig and a cat | Thumbnail includes one picture of a pig and a cat including 'He arrived at sanctuary broken physically and mentally', one picture of a pig and a cat including 'Until he met Ben the cat', and one picture of a pig and a cat

Neglected Piglet Finds Safety in His New Furrever Feline Friend in Heartwarming Video of Unlikely Friendship And Wholesome Happiness

Doug looks so peaceful and we couldn't be happier for him
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Pet Owner Takes to Reddit After Noticing Drastic Personality Shift in Pets Following Devastating Breakup

Pet Owner Takes to Reddit After Noticing Drastic Personality Shift in Pets Following Devastating Breakup

Best frens furever
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Group of Friends Playing Basketball Stumble Upon a Dolphin Who Wants to Join, Amazingly Starts Throwing the Ball Back and Forth with Them

Wild Dolphin Starts Throwing a Basketball Back and Forth with a Group of Friends Who Dropped Their Ball In the Water, Goes Viral

Giving a whole new name to water sports!
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11 pictures of animals in the wilderness, 16 pictures of text, and 1 video of animals in the wild | Thumbnail includes two pictures of animals in the wild and one picture of text including 'Even the bears are like omg why is he running so much'

Distressed Doggo Parents Use Drone to Find Their Husky That Goes Missing, He Makes an Unlikely Friendship With Wild Bear Buddies (Video)

A wild ride with the wilderness gang
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Wholesome hooman saves drowning crow and they become best friends | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a crow in a body of water climbing onto a paddle ‘A Kind Man Rescued A Drowning Crow’ ‘He Was Fascinated By His Intelegence’, the other image shows a crow holding a blue pot in its beak while stacking different colored and sized pots ‘His Intelegence Was Really Fascinating’

Wholesome Hooman And Crow Become Best Friends After Saving It From Drowning

Now that is what we call an unlikely friendship
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Parents Get a Puppy for Their Newborn So They Can Grow Up Together, Wholesome Friendship Ensues After Dog Refuses to Leave Baby’s Side

Parents Get a Puppy for Their Newborn So They Can Grow Up Together, Wholesome Friendship Ensues After Dog Refuses to Leave Baby’s Side

These two are going to be best buds for life!
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25 pictures of unlikely animal buddies

Wholesome Friendships From All Over The Animal Kingdom Beautifully Captured In These 25 Immaculate Images

Best friends furever
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