
Now that's a fox. The animal not the dame we're talking about that wickedly mischievous creature you just can't help but laugh at their antics.

Bundled Burrow: 31 Heartwarming Fluffy Fox Memes Humans Who'd Rather Hibernate Than Face Winter | thumbnail includes one image which shows four fox pups in a person’s arms ‘Don’t go alone, take one’

Bundled in the Burrow: 30+ Heartwarming Fluffy Fox Memes for Hoomans Who'd Rather Hibernate Than Face Winter

20 pictures of foxes and David Tennant | Thumbnail includes one picture of a fennec fox and David Tennant

20 Funny fennec foxes that look surprisingly like David Tennant, the internet's favorite foxy ‘Doctor Who’

Man rescues “puppy” from construction site and brings the fuzzy friend home; sparks unintentional “The fox and the hound” inspired affair with his doggo

Man rescues “puppy” from construction site and brings the fuzzy friend home; sparks unintentional “The Fox and the Hound” inspired affair with his doggo

21 fox memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'While doing an important research, I discovered that foxes can, in fact, become a loaf' and one meme including 'This is how foxes see themselves'

21 Foxy Fox Memes Fulfilling Their Goal of Being the Secret GOAT of Animal Memes With Hooman Humor

cute pictures of baby foxes | thumbnail includes two pictures including a fox running in a field of flowers and a fox behind a window sticking its tongue out

20 Precious Fox Puppies to Start Your Wild Weekend with a Burst of Cuteness

videos of a man playing the banjo and guitar to an attentive wild fox | thumbnail includes two pictures including a man playing a banjo for a fox and a man playing a guitar for a fox

5 Cutest Videos of a Wild Fox and a Banjo-Playing Hooman Bcoming Besties Over Soulful Serenades

video of a fox pup meeting adult foxes for the first time | thumbnail includes a picture of a grey fox puppy sticking its tongue out

Freshly Rescued Fluffy Fox Pup Gets Introduced to Other Foxes, and They Immediately Adopt Him (Video)

pictures and tweets of cute fennec foxes | thumbnail includes two pictures of a fennec fox with giant ears 'GUYS. I JUST SAW A BABY FOX. LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL SHE IS. HER EARS ARE ALMOST AS BIG AS HER ENTIRE BODY'

A Fluffy Flurry Of Fabulous Fennec Foxes With Ears Almost As Big As Their Entire Bodies

Fearful Fox Saved Heroic Hooman Nursed Him Health, Releasing Wild Leaves Sweet Surprise Token Furrever Friendship | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a fox with a cone around its neck ‘Despite its ordeal, the fox showed incredible resilience’ ‘looove’, the second image shows a fox with its eyes closed being scratched under the chin by a human ‘and sometimes acting like a playful child’, the third image shows a happy fox ‘and strengthening their unbreakable bond’

Fearful Fox Saved By Heroic Hooman Who Nursed Him Back To Health, After Releasing Him Back Into The Wild He Leaves Them With A Sweet Surprise As A Token Of Their Furrever Friendship

viral twitter thread and video of foxes next to someone's house and how they are getting domesticated | thumbnail includes two pictures including a fox next to someone's door and a bunch of foxes 'Zoologists believe foxes are currently trying to become domesticated. They're taking on cat/dog like behaviors hoping humans will take on the burden of feeding and caring for them because they're tired of the wild'

Cute Fox Comes Back With Its Friends To The Kind Woman Who Fed Him, Further Proving That Foxes Might Be Trying To Get Domesticated, Just Like Cats And Dogs Did

23 funny fuzzy tailed fox posts mid-week mood booster | thumbnail includes two images one image shows two foxes on a bench one looking confused and one screaming ‘I don’t think he likes bro’s yapping’, the other image shows a fox smiling and hugging a husky ‘when bro buy you lunch’

23 Funny Fuzzy Tailed Fox Posts For Your Mid-Week Mood Booster

Five reasons to not adopt a fox video | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a fox pooping on the sofa ‘5 REASONS YOU DON’T WANT A PET FOX’, the other image shows a fox standing up against a mirror screaming ‘3. They’re Loud’

5 Reasons You Should Not Have A Fox As A Pet: Fox Pawrent Shares The Challenges Of Having A Wild Animal In Your Home (Video)

viral twitter thread about a woman who rescued a baby fox | thumbnail includes one picture of a fox in a dog crate and one tweet 'Summer Ray @SummerRay Found a baby fox on my dog walk, crying and walking up to people for help. Had no choice but to take it home and it immediately settled into my dog's crate. The fox rescuers are on their way now my good gosh look at that face • 9:28 PM Apr 16, 2024 7M Views 1.3K 11K 262K 9.3K ↑'

Crying Baby Fox Desperately Asks People For Help, Finally A Woman And Her Dog Stop And Rescue The Adorable Pup

video of a fox and a dog playing together | thumbnail includes one picture of a fox behind a cat

Goofy Wild Fox Sneaks Up On An Unsuspecting Dog, Leading To The Most Padorable Playtime (Video)

video of a fox pup meeting older foxes and playing with them | thumbnail includes one picture of two foxes and a fox cub

Rescued Fox Puppy Is Nervous Until She Meets Other Foxes, Then Immediately Comes Out Of Her Shell (Video)

video of a fox and a jackal reacting with joy to their owner coming back home | thumbnail includes two pictures including a jackal howling next to a woman and a fox climbing onto a woman while a jackal lies belly in front of her

Adorable Fox And Jackal React Like Excited Puppies To Their Favorite Human Coming Back Home After Vacation (Video)

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