
Where there's smoke, there's fire. These smokey jokes will have you peering through the haze for more. Just don't get too close to these raging puns and jokes, you might get burned.

‘He’s a hero’: Pupper’s keen sense smell loyalty saves family home reptile sibling from disastrous fire | thumbnail includes one image which shows a border collie sitting in a field with a tree behind him ‘The first time he saved a life was when he was perhaps a year or two old.’

‘He’s a hero’: Pupper’s keen sense of smell and loyalty saves family home and reptile sibling from disastrous fire

story about a vet who rescues animals from the LA fires | thumbnail includes two pictures of a woman surrounded by animals 'I do it because I love animals and want to take care of them'

'She risked her life to help rescue dogs, cats and a rabbit': Heroic veterinarian runs straight into the LA fires to rescue as many animals as pawssible, so far saving 41 of them

27 animal and LOTR memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'The Great Eared Nightjar is pretty much a baby dragon'

A Fellowship of 27 Adorable Animal and LOTR Memes That Must Be Cast into the Fires of Mount Doom

1 picture of a dog's nose and text, and 23 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog's nose and one picture of text including ''Last week she seemingly lost her mind, broke into the crate, and jiggled the router/modem enough that they stopped working completely.''

Couragous Canine Saves Her Hooman From Disastrous House Fire By Attacking The Internet Modem, Technician Later Reveals Why The Dog Had a Router Rivalry

viral thread about a horse that was rescued running back into fire to rescue two other horses | thumbnail includes one picture of three horses running 'Horse that was already rescued turns back to save two other horses during the California fires'

Heroic Horse That Was Already Rescued Turns Back to Save Two Other Horses, Turns Out She Was the Foal’s Concerned Grandmother, and She Needed to Defend Her Family

23 pictures of golden retrievers and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of golden retrievers

Going for Gold: 22 Awwdorable Action Shots of Goofy Golden Doggos to Light Your Olympic Fire

Self-conscious and silly seals video | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a seal sitting like a mermaid ‘I look good from behind?’, the other image show a seal sitting like a mermaid ‘(Oh yeah, babe!)’

Self-Conscious And Silly Seals Complement Each Other On Their Fire Physiques (Video)

25 pictures of animals that look like dragons | Thumbnail includes two pictures of lizards

25 Amazing Animals That Look Like Real-Life Dragons To Bring Some Fantastical Fiery Energy to 2024

13 pictures of text, landscape, dogs and houses | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Window - GADDA WORLD' and 'Dog'

Heroic Pit Bull Saves Baby From Burning Building By Leading Firefighters To One-Year-Old Amid Smoke And Panic (13 Images)

husky, huskies, dog, dogs, doggo, funny dog videos, husky videos, viral, hilarious, lolz, mischief, house fire, kitchen fire, fire, fail, hilarious, classic husky, smoke, all the smoke

Mischievous Husky Attempts to Steal a Countertop Pizza and Almost Burns Down the House

16 screenshots about a brown dog guarding his burnt down house | Thumbnail includes a photo of a brown dog laying and guarding his burnt down house 'This dog protecting the house the day after it caught fire.'

Good Boy Doggo Decides To Start Protecting His House A Day After The House Burned Down

animals bears fire grill - 8370105344

We're On to You Yogi

farts fire - 8119673600

I Guess He's Never Met Smokey

ponies fire horses funny - 7997805312

You Can Lead a Horse From Fire...No You Can't

epic cat fire deer feast small big hunting pounce - 6722355968

We Eat Like Kings Tonight

bunny cat fire rabbit voting-page - 6314248448

Take a Memo

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