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viral reddit thread about a woman not wanting to marry her fiancee because he said he'd save his niece over her dog in a hypothetical scenario | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'Fiancée F23 wants to call off wedding because because I 26M would save my 3YO niece before her dogs in a hypothetical fire... how can I explain to her my reasoning? I recently got engaged to my fiancée about two months ago. Everything was fine until two days ago. She has two dogs and a cat'

Fiancée Wants To Call Off Wedding Because Her Husband-To-Be Said He Would Save His Baby Niece Over Her Dog In A Hypothetical Fire

Do you think she overreacted?
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23 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for leaving the engagement dinner due to my fiance's obsession with the dog?' and 'We had reservations for 7PM at the restaurant. My fiance didn't get ready until 6:40 as she hadn't heard from the sitter. When we arrived at the restaurant, we had to wait 30 minutes for a table to open. When we sat down, my fiance spent the entire dinner on her phone trying to get ahold of the friend. I paid for'

Hot Off The Press: Frustrated Fiancé Cancels Engagement After Obsessive Dog Mom Ruins Their Trip By Compulsively Checking On Her Dog Every Two Hours

She's already married to the dog
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23 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for cancelling my wedding because fiancee almost got my dog k*lled?' and 'Font - On Saturday, my fiancee had a bachelorette party at home. I made sure to tell her to put the dog in our bedroom once the party gets going. 5am on Sunday I get a frantic call that something's wrong with the dog. The doctor told me my dog ingested large amounts of alcohol and chocolate edibles. The girls thought it would'

Fresh Off The Press: Flighty Fiancé Cancels Wedding With Negligent Girlfriend After She Messes Up And Has To Take His Dog To The Hospital In AITA Reddit Thread

It's every pet owner's worst fear
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10 Reddit text images from Reddit AITA post | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is an arguing couple, on the right side is a close up of a small girl crying in orange light, overlaid text reads "AITA for removing all of my fiancé's certificates from the wall after he took down my daughter's dog picture? / Not the A-hole"

Abusive Fiancé Finally Shows His True Colors– Reddit Tells Mom To Run

Here's Hoping Mom and Daughter Ditched This Guy
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10 Reddit text images from Reddit AITA post | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is the white cat from the Reddit post sitting on a kitchen counter, on the right is a couple arguing while the women waves her finger in the man's face, overlaid text reads "AITA for blowing up on my fiancé infront of his family for getting my daughter's cat out of the house? / Not the A-hole"

Women Freaks On Fiancé After He Lets Feline Free

Thank Goodness The Cat Was Safe!
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