Animal Comedy Newsletter


14 pictures of a man and a duckling, 10 pictures of text, and 1 video of a man and a duck | Thumbnail includes one picture of an egg including 'I hatched from', one picture of a duckling including 'this is my kid', and one picture of a duckling including 'And then a mid-morning'

Kindhearted Human Finds Abandoned Egg and Hatches it, the Adorable Duckling Adopts Him as His "Mother" and Shows His Wholesome Life Raising His Fluffy Feathery Son (Video)

A tiny ball of fluffy, feathery heaven
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14 pictures of baby deer rescue, 7 pictures of text, and 1 video of animal rescue | Thumbnail includes one picture of a man rescuing a baby deer, one picture of a deer and a cat including '@Dottie_TheDeer' and one picture of a deer including 'mid morning nap'

Wholesome Dad Saves Baby Deer After Nearly Drowning in Pool, She Adopts Them as Her Fuzzy Family and Becomes Best Friends With All of Their Precious Pets (Video)

It was clear from the start that she was meant to be with them
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12 pictures of a bear and tiger, 9 pictures of text, and 1 video of a bear and a tiger | Thumbnail includes one picture of bear and tiger cubs including 'and when they're tired from', one picture of a bear and tiger including 'as they grow up they become Hast' and one picture of a bear and tiger including 'from childhood'

Perfectly Playful Pair of Tiger Cub and Baby Bear Grow Up Motherless in a Zoo, The Two Become Each Other's Wholesome Fuzzy Family All the Way Through Adulthood (Video)

A real-life Tigger and Winnie the Poo furever friendship
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18 pictures of a woman and a deer, 12 pictures of text, and 1 video of a woman and a deer | Thumbnail includes one picture of a woman and a deer including 'She never expected to raise a baby deer', one picture of a fawn including 'and handed him back to us.', and one picture of a deer including 'Here's this deer who's out being wild.'

Woman Rescues Fawn and Raises Him to be Wild, But He Comes Back One Day With Big Antlers to Stay With His Human Mom (Video)

We're fawning over this heartwarming story (pun intended)
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14 pictures of a deer and animal rescue, 9 pictures of text, and 1 video of a deer and animal rescue | Thumbnail includes one picture of a baby deer including 'The deer stood in front of our house with teary eyes as if it wanted to say something.', one picture of a deer including 'We had to go back and get the chainsaw and come back that night to rescue the fawn's father.', and one picture of a deer including 'The next surprise came, the deer returned to repay the favor the next morning.'

Baby Deer Shows Up on Kindhearted Hooman's Doorstep Requesting Help, They Follow and Rescue Her Father Who is Stuck in a Tree, He Returns With His Forest Family to say 'Thank you'

He brought the whole family, even his second cousins-twice removed
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16 pictures of dogs playing and text, 8 pictures of text, 1 video of dogs playing hockey | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog including 'WINNWELL WINNWELL He gets really excited about hockey.', one picture of a puppy including 'But will Darrel play well with his new sibling?', and one picture of two dogs playing hockey

Dumbfounded Dog Owners Discover Their Doggo is a Hockey Superstar, Then Teach His Younger Brother to Be a Goalie For the Cutest Family Activity (Video)

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21 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a fence and one picture of text including 'My neighbors behind me have 4 large dogs, two are aggressive breeds (pit and a rotty.) I don't know if they are aggressive and I don't care to find out.'

'Just build a fence': Frustrated Father Keeps Finding His Neighbor's Dogs on His Property, Considers Calling the Pawlice to Protect His Family

These neighbors are not demure, not very mindful
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25 pictures of a dog and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of a dog and one picture of text including 'My neighbors moved and left us this dog...'

Family Moves Out and Leaves Their Poor Pupper Behind, Wholesome Neighbor Steps Up To Adopt the Adorable Doggo Without Hesitation

He didn't deserve this
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After Webby the Wobbly Pitbull Is Rescued, His Foster Family Helps Him Find Happiness One Step at a Time, Despite his Struggles to Walk

After Webby the Wobbly Pitbull Is Rescued, His Foster Family Helps Him Find Happiness One Step at a Time, Despite his Struggles to Walk

One wobbly step at a time
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31 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of grass, one picture of a dog, and one picture of text including 'I’m honestly just tired of being the only one cleaning the house, the rest of the house doesn’t take super long to clean but the p*** stains on the floor drive me crazy. We have tile and you still need to get on hands and knees to scrub it off.'

'It's me or the dog': Entitled Daughter Refuses to Clean Up After Mother's Senior Doggo While She Lives With Mom Rent-Free, Claims Her Mom is Being 'Unreasonable'

Kids these days
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18 pictures of pigs and text, 10 pictures of text, and 1 video of pigs and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a man and a pig including 'As a tiny baby, Mr. Pancakes fell off of a transport truck headed for a genetic testing farm. He found a safe landing here at our pig sanctuary.', one picture of pigs including 'Hannah, our special needs pig, decided to adopt Pancakes as her baby brother, and she even moved him into her pink house. The two became inseparable.', and one picture of pigs

Sanctuary Saves Baby Piglet From Animal Testing, He Develops Heartwarming Human-Like Connection With Fellow Animals, Becoming a Father-Figure to a Family of His Own (Video)

We're rooting for you, Mr. Pancakes!
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13 pictures of animals and people, 10 pictures of text, and 1 video of a wolf and a man | Thumbnail includes one picture of an animal including 'under the ranger's comfort Became much more obedient', one picture of a man and a wolf including 'they accompany each other' and one picture of a man and a wolf

Injured Wolf Cub Rescued by Warm-Hearted Ranger, Raises and Releases Him Back Into the Wild Only to Find that His Wholesome Wolf Chose Him as his Pack (Video)

Now they are pack members for life
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fluffy felines aww cat dogs adorable adorable cats adorable animals funny stories catnip Fluffy foster animal comedy kitten cute parenting funny cats family funny felines Cats funny animals - 30080263

Raylan the Senior Dog Becomes Obsessed with Hooman's 4 Blind Foster Kittens and Takes Them in as His Own

not a doggo stepfather, a doggo father who stepped up
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14 pictures of a man and a raccoon, 12 pictures of text, and 1 video of a man and a raccoon | Thumbnail includes one picture of a baby raccoon including 'A man rescued a baby raccoon and welcomedit into his home', one picture of a baby raccoon, and one picture of a man and raccoon

Compassionate Man Rescues a Baby Raccoon From Drowning and Raises It as His Perfect Pet, They Develop an Unbreakable Bond and He Gains a Wholesome Fuzzy Assistant For Life (Video)

Hire him immediately
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Baby Mouse Rescued Nursed Health Wholesome Hooman Hero Member Fuzzy Fluffy Family | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a baby mouse in a man’s hand ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘anything for herself at the time.’, the second image shows two smiling humans one is holding a mouse in their hand ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘very loving with her.’, the third image shows a baby mouse using two hands to eat food ‘@molly_beans_dad’ ‘Molly Bean was truly lucky that Eric found her on the street…’

Baby Mouse Rescued And Nursed Back To Health By Wholesome Hooman Hero Becomes Member Of Their Fuzzy Fluffy Family

Sweeter than Stuart Little.
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Poor Puppies and Momma Doggo Rescued by Wholesome Heroes From Flooded House, Save the Whole Fuzzy Family In Heroic Act of Humanity | thumbnail includes three images one image shows a man from behind carrying a dog into floodwaters ‘Probably a good 400 yards’, the second image shows a man carrying two puppies in a house ‘I convinced my friend Shai, who’s’, the third image shows a man carrying a scared dog ‘We’re back’

Poor Puppies and Momma Doggo Rescued by Wholesome Heroes From Flooded House, Save the Whole Fuzzy Family In Heroic Act of Humanity

This is some seriously heartwarming stuff.
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