
In your face! Literally these jokes and puns are right up there so don't blink you might get smacked in the face by one.

Bundled Burrow: 31 Heartwarming Fluffy Fox Memes Humans Who'd Rather Hibernate Than Face Winter | thumbnail includes one image which shows four fox pups in a person’s arms ‘Don’t go alone, take one’

Bundled in the Burrow: 30+ Heartwarming Fluffy Fox Memes for Hoomans Who'd Rather Hibernate Than Face Winter

7 pictures of a woman wearing sunglasses, 13 pictures of text, and 1 video of a woman wearing sunglasses and birds | Thumbnail includes one picture of a woman wearing sunglasses including 'Michelle Lefebvre via Storyful abc NEWS', one picture of a woman wearing sunglasses including 'BIRDS FLOCK TO CANADIAN WOMAN'S DIY 'FACE FEEDER' abc NEWS', and one picture of a woman wearing sunglasses including 'した ABBOTSFORD BRITISH COLUMBIA abc) NEWS'

Woman goes viral for installing "homemade bird feeder" on her face, reactions go wild with caw-medic commentary: 'Somebody please introduce her to e-harmony'

11 pictures of animals and Christmas, and 17 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of a donkey and one picture of dogs wearing Christmas apparel

Festive Farm Friends Flaunt Cute Christmas Cheer in Fabulous Photoshoot to Put a Sweet Smile on Animal Lovers' Faces Today

22 Sweet Saturday Smiling Dog Memes Put Silly Smirk Your Face | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a puppy lying belly down on the floor smiling up at the camera ‘After years of renting apartments without enough space for a dog, I finally saved enough to mortgage a house with a yard and adopted this sweet girl.’ , the other image shows a dog sleeping on a person’s legs in an inflatable kayak on a lake ‘still just wants to look at you’

22 Sweet Saturday Smiling Dog Memes to Put a Silly Smirk on Your Face

25 Attitude Adjusting Animal Memes Hoomans Who Had Wholesome Weekend Cannot Face Week Office | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a piglet flying a prop plane ‘To all of the haters that said this day would never come’, the other image shows a dog wearing glasses and covered in bubble wrap and fragile tape ‘“How are you feeling today after blacking out at brunch yesterday and falling into a bush?”’ ‘Me:’

25 Attitude Adjusting Animal Memes for Hoomans Who Had a Wholesome Weekend and Cannot Face a Week at the Office

24 Playful Pupper Pawsts Awake Big Dog Within You Face Challenges Work Week | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a stick figure person running after a dog headed stick figure ‘When “drop-it” turns into a high speed chase arount the house’ ‘@alexunleashed’, the other image shows spongebob squarepants with a black eye looking angrily at a dog ‘When your dog jumps on the couch and dosen’t see you:’ ‘@alexunleashed’

24 Playful Pupper Pawsts to Awake the Big Dog Within You to Face the Challenges of the Work Week

Funny mid-week dog memes | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a dog on its back with its face skin loose and hanging back ‘Does anyone know what to do when your dog deflates? Is there a special pump or smthn?’, the other image shows a dog whose face is being stretched out by a human ‘googled “most important image on the internet” was not disappointed’

Funny Mid-Week Memes Of Dogs That Need To Have Their Face Smushed

34 wholesome animal pictures | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog with a sign including 'I BEAT CANCER TODAY!' and one picture of a boy carrying a kitten on his back smiling

34 Wholesomely Cute Animal Pics To Walk Into The Week With A Silly Smile On Your Face

18 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Carnivore - 0:13' and 'Felidae'

A Real-Life "Catdog", AKA The Vietnamese Hmong Puppy That Is Born Beautiful And Delightfully Derpy (18 Pawesome Puppy Pics)

24 pictures of dogs | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog' and 'Dog'

24 Ridiculously Squishy Dog Faces That We Need To Squish Right Now For An Extra Boost Of Serotonin

26 photos, comments, and and a video of a dog | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Dog - I've never seen such a concerned look on a dog's face' and 'Dog' and one comment including 'Font - sociaty "He's right behind me, isn't he?"'

Adorable Puppy Has Hilariously Human Expression That Looks Like An AI Filter (Pictures and Video)

11 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes one picture including 'Carnivore'

Opposite Ends Of The Animal Spectrum: Quokkas Vs Viscachas, AKA Morning People Vs Night Owls (11 photos)

23 tweets about owls and one video of owls | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Plant - Meghan Cartwright @meggiecart. Jan 10 Replying to @waDNR and @Forest ServiceNW how dare you If we had eyes in comparison, they would be about this big. :' and 'Organism - Matthew Gravelyn @mrmatthew. Jan 10 Replying to @waDNR and @ForestServiceNW I EAT WHAT NOW?? :'

Hilarious Twitter Thread Of Owl Reacting To His Own Interview Has Us In Tears (24 Pictures & Video)

15 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people posted photos of their Borzoi dogs | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Borzoi dog tilting its nose down and looking up at the camera and a picture of a white borzoi dog standing over a fence

A List Of Long Limbs And Even Longer Faces: 15 Borzoi Doggos

7 TikTok videos of dogs showing their paws and then their face | Thumbnail includes a white dog paw, black dog paw, and grey dog paw

Paws, Claws, And Face On Fleek: Doggos Try Out New TikTok Trend

funny dog image puppy grins after eating lizard

The Adorable Face Of A Cold-Blooded Killer

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