Animal Comedy Newsletter

exotic pets

20+ Cute Exotic Animals That Look Friend Shaped and ARE Friend

20+ Cute Exotic Animals That Look Friend-Shaped and ARE Friends

Finally, the answer to, “if friend shaped, then why not friend?” we've all been wanting!
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30+ Precious Pet Prairie Dogs Cuter Than Your Puppy

30+ Precious Pet Prairie Dogs Cuter Than Your Puppy

Why did nobody tell us that you could keep a prairie dog as a pet???
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bearded-dragon bearded-dragons bearded-dragon-memes memes lizard lizards reptile reptiles pets pet-memes relatable cute tank scales scaly adorable reptilian cute

30 Mood-boosting Reptilian Memes for Bearded Dragon Lovers Who Adore Their Scaly Good Boi

Bearded dragon memes that'll warm your heart to over 100 degrees.
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