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ex girlfriend

10 Reddit text images from the Am I The Asshole subreddit | thumbnail features two images, the left image is a golden retriever guide dog sitting while wearing a red vest, the right image is a man on the right who is blind and walking with a cane being led by a woman who is standing on the left, overlaid text reads "AITA for applying for a guide dog against my girlfriend's wishes / Not the A-hole"

Visually Impaired Redditor Needs Advice About Uncaring Girlfriend– Internet Hilarity Ensues

I Can Not See, I Am Legally Blind
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10 images of text comments from Reddit's Am I The Asshole subreddit | thumbnail features a stock photo on the left of a Labrador sitting in a crate on a red pillow with a white background and on the right side a stock image of a man looking confused wearing a white t-shirt and glasses, overlaid text reads "Not the A-Hole / AITA for refusing to take in my ex's purebred dog, resulting in the dog going to the pound and getting adopted out almost immediately?"

Entitled Ex Has The Audacity To Play The Blame Game After Giving Her Dog Away For Free

She's An Ex For A Reason.
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