Animal Comedy Newsletter


Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

Frustrated Doggo Owner Settles Score with Chihuahua Owner Who Invades the Big Dog Park Area, Resulting in Car Being Towed and a $300 Fine

All doggo lovers can find safety and comfort in the dog park. All that is wonderful in life seems to be captured by the park's tranquil atmosphere and the small puppies that run up and down the lawn. Having said that, what would you do if someone consistently disrupted your time at the dog park? The story below is an account of a dissatisfied doggo owner. The original poster (OP) has made numerous visits to the same dog park. At first glance, everything appeared to be in order; there was nothin…
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue  which I am not. Because like I said (a month before) I've had that week booked with another dog for nearly a year. My mom rolled her eyes and asked me to cancel on them. I am not canceling because my parents decided to travel at the last minute. I said this directly to her face. They are also going somewhere dog friendly, so it's not that they can't take her with them, they'd just prefer not to take the 15 year old dog"

Entitled Parents Don't Understand Why Adult Child Does Not Cancel All Commitments To Watch Their Dog While They Vacation

Not cool fam
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail text "My sister proceeded to tell me that there was a second dog that desperately needed a new foster, so she planned to take in that one as soon as her current dog was gone. So, she couldn't do anymore babysitting than she already is (sometimes she comes over to my house in the morning to help out). I could literally feel my stress levels spike. I haven't ever done this before, but I opened "

Entitled Karen Expects Her Sister To Stop Fostering Dogs So She Can Continue Babysitting Her Kids For Free

Oh lawd help us all
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