Animal Comedy Newsletter


23 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for leaving the engagement dinner due to my fiance's obsession with the dog?' and 'We had reservations for 7PM at the restaurant. My fiance didn't get ready until 6:40 as she hadn't heard from the sitter. When we arrived at the restaurant, we had to wait 30 minutes for a table to open. When we sat down, my fiance spent the entire dinner on her phone trying to get ahold of the friend. I paid for'

Hot Off The Press: Frustrated Fiancé Cancels Engagement After Obsessive Dog Mom Ruins Their Trip By Compulsively Checking On Her Dog Every Two Hours

She's already married to the dog
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'She said woof': Doggo Stars in an Engagement Announcement Photo, Resulting the Punniest, Most Misunderstood Comment Section

'She said woof': Doggo Stars in an Engagement Announcement Photo, Resulting in a Seriously Punny Comment Section

Forget about the dog eating his homework, this dog stole a man's fiancé!
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2 Tiktok videos and funny comments about a dog who stole the spotlight from her parents' engagement | Thumbnail includes a woman laying with a dog, a man proposing to a woman and a dog holding her hands, and a woman and a man kissing a dog 'when you have main character energy during your human's proposal'

Doggo Steals The Spotlight From Her Hooman's Engagement Because She's The Main Character

If our dog isn't involved in our engagement then we don't want it
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