Animal Comedy Newsletter


Peter Pachyderm

elephant - 8344582400
See all captions Created by kpoppy9

It Wuz Such a Great Dreem!

dream elephant ballet funny - 7630185984
See all captions Created by allcatsloved

It's Not Soccer, It's Trunkball

elephant soccer - 7683573760

His Trunk Was Too Heavy?

elephant mud funny - 7645159424
See all captions Created by djcat595

Sometimes I Wish I Could Forget

elephant doctor who funny - 7570374400
See all captions Created by TuckerBentley

I Guess I Enjoy It a Little Bit Too

elephant cute hug - 7540872960
See all captions Created by Chris10a

Don't Be Silly! Of Course Us Elephants Go Shopping!

elephant apples funny stretch - 7536867328
Created by AngelAndz ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

La Go!

elephant funny - 7498078464
Via Tastefully Offensive

What a Pro

pun elephant slam dunk funny - 7495580928
See all captions Created by echeg5

Traveling Elephant

elephant traveling - 7383702528

I Want to Swim With the Fishies

they said i could be anything elephant - 7277743616
See all captions

Can You Hear Me Now?

yes this is dog elephant - 7163837184
See all captions Created by djcat595

I'll Carry it Myself, Thank You

trunk elephant puns - 7049254656
See all captions Created by Stoobs

Read it Again!

books elephant peanut reading - 6476114432
See all captions Created by Greybeard55

Please Don't Boop the Glass

aquarium elephant friends glass seal - 6519791104
Via The American Kid

Best Laid Plans

beach elephant embarrassment faceplant plan water - 6330389248
See all captions Created by Tammy Dickerson Sheard