Animal Comedy Newsletter

dog sitting

25+ Dog Sitting and Walker Memes for Pre-Dog Owner Doggo Lovers

25+ Dog Sitting and Walker Memes for Pre-Dog Owner Doggo Lovers

You don't have your own dog YET, but love them so much. Might as well get paid to hang with other people's dogs in the meantime!
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11 reddit text images | thumbnail blue  which I am not. Because like I said (a month before) I've had that week booked with another dog for nearly a year. My mom rolled her eyes and asked me to cancel on them. I am not canceling because my parents decided to travel at the last minute. I said this directly to her face. They are also going somewhere dog friendly, so it's not that they can't take her with them, they'd just prefer not to take the 15 year old dog"

Entitled Parents Don't Understand Why Adult Child Does Not Cancel All Commitments To Watch Their Dog While They Vacation

Not cool fam
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