
Cute is a subjective word used for describing small, pleasing and non-threatening features, typically found on people, animals, objects and even ideas.

20 animal snapchats | thumbnail left owl snap "im going to hogwarts" thumbnail right dog holding a stuffed bear

Best Of The Week: Humorous Animal Snaps Full Of Comedic Value (July 28, 2022)

Dog Waits Patiently for Newborn Hooman Baby Brother to Throw the Ball for Him

Dog Waits Patiently for Newborn Hooman Baby Brother to Throw the Ball for Him

11 animal tweets | thumbnail image of rock in shape of elephant "elephant rock in iceland"

Weekly Treat: Funniest And Overall Best Animal Tweets Of The Week (July 24, 2022)

15 screenshots from a Twitter thread where people share photos of their doggos looking dissapointed because their humans told them it's too hot to go outside for a walk | Thumbnail includes a photo of a bulldog with one tooth out and a photo of a greyhound standing and waiting to go outside  'Explained to the dog that I'm not taking her for a walk until evening when it's cooler. She wasn't best pleased.'

Twitter Thread: Doggos Give Their Owners Dirty Looks As They're Told That It's Too Hot To Go Outside

Man Discovers Scraggly-Looking Stray Ferret in the Woods, Adopts Him, Completely Spoils Him, and Names Him Noodle

Man Discovers Scraggly-Looking Stray Ferret in the Woods, Adopts Him, Completely Spoils Him, and Names Him Noodle

Dog with Go-Pro Shows POV of When Panic Mode Hits After Losing His Owner on a Hike

Dog with Go-Pro Shows POV of When Panic Mode Hits After Losing His Owner on a Hike

Farmer Gets Greeted By Happy Lanky Prancing Baby Camel Every Time She Comes Home

Farmer Gets Greeted By Happy Lanky Prancing Baby Camel Every Time She Comes Home

this week's collection of pictures that are worth more than 1000 words | thumbnail includes two pictures including a crab holding up a fish and a book with cat paw prints on it

Animal Pictures Worth More Than 1000 Words (20 images)

Zeke the Doodle Masters the Art of ‘Whisper Barking’ So That He and His Hooman Can Stay Living In Their Apartment

Zeke the Doodle Masters the Art of ‘Whisper Barking’ So That He and His Hooman Can Stay Living In Their Apartment

6 TikTok videos with the 'he's a 10, but' trend featuring dogs | Thumbnail includes a screenshot of a wet Dachshund in the shower and a screenshot of the same Dachshund pouting 'He's a 10 but judges your every move'

Doggo Delight: Funny Doggos Take Over Viral 'He's A 10, But' Trend

Dog Owners of Introverted Pups Bring Their Dogs Together and Create the Worlds Most Awkward Dog Party

Dog Owners of Introverted Pups Bring Their Dogs Together and Create the Worlds Most Awkward Dog Party

"Vape? No, Chihuahua": TikTokers Show Off Their Addictively Adorable Chihuahuas In New Viral Trend

"Vape? No, Chihuahua": TikTokers Show Off Their Addictively Adorable Chihuahuas In New Viral Trend

13 george clooney pig tweets | thumbnail image of george clooney cuddling with pig, tweet " bless the rains down in castamere @Chinchillazılla while George Clooney is trending I just want to remind everyone that he had a pet pig named Max for 18 years. once a supermodel he was dating told him it was her or the pig, so he dumped her 3:27 AM Jul 8, 2022. Twitter for Android 8,909 Retweets 953 Quote Tweets 143.1K Likes"

Twitter Thread: Paying Tribute To George Clooney's Pet Pig Max

5 dog videos | thumbnail three panels dog images "what it's like to live with leo the dog"

Insta Doggos: Funniest Most Rufferific Dog Videos Of The Week (July 12, 2022)

Woman Hilariously Shows off What Her 100-Pound Rottweiler Has to Annoyingly Tolerate to Be Extra Careful About the “One Bite” Law

Woman Hilariously Shows off What Her 100-Pound Rottweiler Has to Annoyingly Tolerate to Be Extra Careful About the “One Bite” Law

14 photos of rat hands and rats holding things | Thumbnail includes a photo of a rat holding a human finger and a photo of a rat showing its hand to the camera 'When my daughter's rat, "Wasabi Bobby", is nervous or in a new situation, he holds her hand for comfort. Talk to the little grabbie'

14 Photos Of Precious Lil Rat Hands And Grabbies