Animal Comedy Newsletter


29 animal memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'Dylan Farella @dfarella Relationship Status: The male finishes his nap and checks whether any females have appeared.' and one meme including 'When my GF asks me to open a jar of pickles and I can't open it either 4 DEFEATED MALE LEAVES'

29 Funny Animal Memes For Corporate Coworkers Driving the Struggle Bus Straight Into the Weekend

We may not have the sound of the ocean in our ears anymore, but at least we have animal memes
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26 Howlsome Husky Pawsts Pawfect Afternoon Slacking Off Your Coworkers | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a husky dog dressed as the nun from the conjuring ‘conjuring 3’, the other image shows a husky with its tongue poking out wearing a husky hat

26 Howlsome Husky Pawsts Pawfect for an Afternoon of Slacking Off with Your Coworkers

When you cannot run away like a Husky, spend time looking at Huskies instead…
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25 animal memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'KFC witness protection program ICANHASCHEEZBURGER.COM' and one meme including 'Whatever floats your goats'

25 Vintage Animal Memes That Ruled the Interwebs Before Your Gen Z Coworkers Were Wearing Diapers

Back when the memes were good and the internet was slow
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20 Hilarious Animal Memes Fuel Afterwork Antics Coworkers Colleagues | thumbnail includes two images one image shows deer and a kangaroo ‘Kangaroos are just deer that went to prison’, the other image show a dog and a cat ‘I can be trained to smell caners in humans’ ‘I can be trained to cr*p in a box.’

20 Hilarious Animal Memes To Fuel Your Afterwork Antics With Your Coworkers And Colleagues

Pawfect for blowing off steam.
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21 Sarcastic Monkey Memes Share Coworkers Go Bananas | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a baby orangutan in hay ‘ME AFTER A LONG DAT’ ‘@milkymunky’, ‘AT THE LONG DAY FACTORY’, the other image shows a money hugging itself on a rock ‘Chilling on the weekend like usual’ ‘@milkymunky’

21 Sarcastic Monkey Memes To Share With Your Coworkers To Make Them Go Bananas

Everyone will be monkeying around.
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24 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes one picture of dog treats on grass and one picture of text including 'As Cathy ran past me and my dog, she fell and tripped. We thought it was a minor injury but it turns out she dislocated her shoulder and needs surgery. Cathy says that while she was running past us, my dog suddenly ran toward her and she tripped over my dog. Honestly I didn’t see clearly how exactly she tripped. I couldn’t tell if my dog actually ran into her or if she tripped over'

Cross Coworker Demands Dog Owner Pay Her Expensive Hospital Bills After She Accuses the Corgi of "Tripping Her", Resulting in Insurance Nightmare

What a canine conundrum
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office bestie wholesome viral videos dogs workplace-stories heartwarming work coworkers cute dog video Office silly golden retriever emotional-support cubicle - 2415879

Day in the Life with Lenny the Corporate Pupper

Follow along with Lenny on his commute to the office with his beloved hooman, and meet his work bestie and fellow golden retriever, Chance!
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Doggo Enthusiasts Offer Sound Advice To Fearful Redditor Following In-Office Dog Policy Dilemma

Doggo Enthusiasts Offer Sound Advice To Fearful Redditor Following In-Office Dog Policy Dilemma

The practice of taking pets to work is growing more and more popular in this day and age, and it has many benefits for all parties involved—the pets, their owners, and other employees. First of all, rather than having to wait for us until we return home, the pets get to hang out with their owners and the other staff members for the entire day at the office. Additionally, the delight of seeing cute little doggos wandering around makes the office workers happy and uplifts everyone's spirits. But…
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‘I was fired… because I didn't pet [the] dog’: Customer expects worker to entertain her dog while on duty, worker gets fired for refusing

‘I was fired… because I didn't pet [the] dog’: Customer expects worker to entertain her dog while on duty, worker gets fired for refusing

Imagine you are deeply engrossed in your work duties while laboring away at a customer's house, when they ask you multiple times to ‘pet their dog’. You may feel elate in such a situation, but not everybody is bound to feel the same way, for a number of reasons, all of which should be legitimate. If you don't want to pet someone else's dog, you should not have to, period. This is a classic case of ‘he said, she said’ at a workplace, and unfortunately for this worker, he got the short end of the…
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31 animal memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Chin - Humans: *use flashlight to navigate in the dark* Cats: *use well-built eyes* Bats:' and 'Nose - Me when I'm alone with animals ส TALK TO ME. b'

31 Uplifting And Funny Animal Memes To Share With Coworkers At Work

Give the gift that keeps on giving
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oil rig workers turn to mush because of a sad little puppy, gets adopted by one employee and has a happily ever after

Roughneck Workers Turn to Complete Teddy Bears After Finding Abandoned Puppy on Texan Oil Rig, One of Them Adopts and Names Her “Riggs”

If this puppy and her happily-ever-after story doesn't melt your heart, you're a monster.
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