Animal Comedy Newsletter


Dog Owner Consistently Arrives 2 Hours Late to Doggo Daycare, Sparking a Discussion Among Canine Enthusiasts

Dog Owner Consistently Arrives 2 Hours Late to Doggo Daycare, Sparking a Discussion Among Canine Enthusiasts

A doggo daycare attendant is at a loss for what to do with a client who is consistently 2 hours late...
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‘I was fired… because I didn't pet [the] dog’: Customer expects worker to entertain her dog while on duty, worker gets fired for refusing

‘I was fired… because I didn't pet [the] dog’: Customer expects worker to entertain her dog while on duty, worker gets fired for refusing

Imagine you are deeply engrossed in your work duties while laboring away at a customer's house, when they ask you multiple times to ‘pet their dog’. You may feel elate in such a situation, but not everybody is bound to feel the same way, for a number of reasons, all of which should be legitimate. If you don't want to pet someone else's dog, you should not have to, period. This is a classic case of ‘he said, she said’ at a workplace, and unfortunately for this worker, he got the short end of the…
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