Animal Comedy Newsletter


26 pictures of text and 1 picture of puppies | Thumbnail includes one picture of puppies and one picture of text including 'What is the most irritating dog breed to own?'

20+ Devoted Doggo Parents Debate the Most 'Difficult' Dog Breed, and the Correct Choice Is a Canine Curveball

It's definitely not golden retrievers
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If Animals Were Hoomans, This Is How They’d Live Our Lives: 22 Eye-Opening Animal Memes Hoomans Having Second Thoughts About Their Life Choices | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a crab performing an aerial Maneuver on a skateboard in a skate bowl ‘YO’ ‘YOOOOOOOOO’, the other image shows a green colored cat wearing a rasta hat holding a can of coke ‘Jamaircan-coded Alien who landed in my backyard: I came dim down tah dat eart’ in me UFO tah try one dem dere Goga Golas’

If Animals Were Hoomans, This Is How They’d Live Our Lives: 22 Eye-Opening Animal Memes for Hoomans Having Second Thoughts About Their Life Choices

Could you imagine if we were the pets?
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22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for not getting rid of my dog when my wife asked me to?' and 'Font -  But I'm also not willing to just give up on my dog. My wife on the other hand has no qualms rehoming her because of her being bitten and her simply being completely fed up with "revolving her life around a dog when she has a baby on the way and no energy" (missing her appointment and chasing the dog around for 4 hours truly made her resentful b'

"You have 6 months to find a new trainer and correct her behaviors or the dog is gone." - Husband Prioritizes Problematic Doggo Over Pregnant Wife, AITA?

This one is a doozy
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18 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Font - AITA for prioritizing my son's dog over my wife's pregnancy?' and 'Font - She said that there is no way to know for sure that the dog won't jump on her, and if he does our baby could be hurt. This dog has never so much as growled at her. She said even if the dog doesn't jump on her, her anxiety about it is bad for her health. She said she needs the dog elsewhere for her safety and the baby's.'

Protective Parent Prioritizes Son's Doggo Over Wife's Early Pregnancy (Reddit Thread)

This story is baby crazy!
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39 pictures of foxes | Thumbnail includes three pictures including 'Dog', 'Dog' and "Font - VS'

Are Fennec Foxes Cuter Than Red Foxes? Comparing Two Adorable Animals For An Impossible Choice (30+ Pictures)

Sophie's choice, but with foxes
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16 comments and 1 picture of a cat | Thumbnail includes two images including 'Cat', 'Cat' and one comment including 'Smile - 43.2k r/cats Posted by u/hylice 2 days ago O: N 59 219 21 21 2 32 This is my cat, Chury, she's 21 years. Yesterday my girlfriend yelled: "can't wait till the day she's d**d ", for a mess with the litter. Today I packed everything and I'm ready to leave. What would you have done?'

Kitty Controversy: Viral Reddit Thread Forces Boyfriend To Choose Between Girlfriend Or Cat (17 Pictures)

What would you have done?
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Ooh Sorry, Fresh Out of Without

choices coffee cups hair hamster voting-page - 6526098176
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