Animal Comedy Newsletter

cats and dogs

Large Rescue Pup Turns on the Dramatics When Itty Bitty Meanie Feline Sibling Gives Him a Boop on the Snoot

Large Rescue Pup Turns on the Dramatics When Itty Bitty Meanie Feline Sibling Gives Him a Boop on the Snoot

You'd think a big ‘ole tough dog who’s survived so much worse could take a tiny lil kitty, but nope.
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giant akita dog mix is adorable frightened by a tiny cat, turns into a scared puppy

Large 80-Pound Akita Dog Adorably Turns Into a Frightened Puppy While Meeting a Tiny Cat for the First Time

Why is it always the biggest dogs that are the scardiest cats?
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cats and dogs dogs pet-siblings pets funny pets national-siblings-day funny memes silly-kitty animal-siblings doggo funny animal memes animal memes Cats funny animals - 20075781

20+ Adorable Photos of Pet Siblings That Perfectly Capture the Silly Brother Sister Dynamic

Happy National Siblings day—turns out animal brothers and sisters argue just the same as humans!
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26 pictures of dogs acting like cats | Thumbnail includes a picture of a Dalmatian dog laying in a loaf position and a picture of a black Labrador sitting in a yellow box 'Dogs that grew up with cats'

26 Dogs That Were Raised In Cat-Dominated Households

we're the product of our environment, as they say
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