Animal Comedy Newsletter

brain cell

27 Awwdorable Animal Sillies Cutest Single-Brain-Celled Sweethearts Make Your Day | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a pug puppy crossed with a hot dog, the other image shows a cat with a fairy light in its mouth lighting it up ‘WHEN YOUR CAT’ ‘IS FULLY CHARGED’

27 Awwdorable Animal Sillies from the Cutest Single-Brain-Celled Sweethearts to Make Your Day

“K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, stupid! -Michael Scott”
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28 pictures of golden retrievers sleeping | Thumbnail includes two pictures of golden retrievers sleeping

28 Howlariously Goofy Goldens Using Their One Collective Brain Cell To Snooze Like Derpy Doggie Divas

Snooze queens
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24 pictures of goofy golden retrievers | Thumbnail includes one picture of a puppy sitting in a water bowl, one picture of a dog pressing its nose into a window, one picture of text including 'I think she has a drinking problem' and one picture of text including 'My boy Bentley. He can’t just look out the window he has to press his nose against the glass.'

24 Goofball Golden Retrievers Doing What They Do Best - Being Goofy And Making Us Giggle By Attempting To Use Their One Collective Golden Brain Cell

If there's one doggo that makes us giggle, it's golden retrievers
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25 pictures of goofy golden retrievers | Thumbnail includes two pictures of golden retrievers

25 Glorious Golden Retrievers Proving That You Don't Even Need A Single Brain Cell To Be Cute And Howlarious

Who needs brain cells when you're this cute
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25 pictures of golden retrievers | Thumbnail includes one picture of a golden retriever with lipstick on its face, one picture of a golden retriever sitting on another dog, and one picture of text including 'She never gives him any space'

25 Howlarious Goofy Giggle-Worthy Golden Retrievers That All Share One Collective Golden Brain Cell

Error 404: Brain cell not found
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