Animal Comedy Newsletter


9 Reddit text images and one picture of a white cat wearing a tie sitting on a toilet | thumbnail features side by side images, on the left is a couple arguing with the woman in a white shirt on the left and a guy with a black shirt on the right, on the right side is a picture of two cats staring at a fancy letterbox inside a bathroom, text reads "AITA for not wanting to train my cat to use the litter box instead of the toilet because my boyfriend doesn't like it? / Not the A-hole"

Entitled Boyfriend Has Toilet Envy For Girlfriend's Cat

Flush That Man, Sister
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10 text images from Reddit AITA post about girlfriend who can't understand boyfriend's dog grief | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is the meme of the crying African-American man, on the right is a sick looking black and white dog laying on a couch, overlaid text reads "AITA for telling my boyfriend he was embarrassing us when he started sobbing in the Vet clinic hallway?"

Disrespectful Girlfriend Can't Understand Dog Grief– Redditors Give Her A Piece Of Their Mind

Oh No She Didn't!
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10 reddit text images | thumbnail blue background text "When I brought my boyfriend over to my place. Brandy started growling and barking at him. I've never seen her act like that before. She doesn't react to the mailman. My boyfriend wants me to re-home her or he's out."

Delusional Dude Gives Girlfriend Ultimatum: It's Him Or The Dog, She Claps Back

Think again
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10 Reddit text images from an Am I The Asshole Thread | thumbnail features two side by side images, on the left is an American Akita dog standing on a patch of grass, and on the right is longtime New York Yankees Shortstop Derek Jeter, overlaid text reads "AITA for giving my dog an "offensive" name and then refusing to change it? / Not the A-hole"

Hilarious AITA Thread Has OP Spilling The Tea On Her Sister's Boyfriend

Oh No He Didn't
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10 images of text comments from Reddit thread on Am I The Asshole | thumbnail features an image of a brown and white dog standing on a country road on the left and on the right features a photo of an arguing couple, text overlaid on thumbnail reads "AITA for kicking out bf because of his dog? / Not the A-hole," photos come from hills and

Woman Kicks Boyfriend And His Dog To The Curb While Reddit Cheers Her On

Hit the road, Jack.
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10 reddit text images, puppy debacle | thumbnail blue background "I (f19) and partner ( m20) are expecting a baby girl in early May. We are currently working on moving to a different apartment and the property allows pets. My partner and I are both dog people and love animals  I've told him I WILL NOT BE CARING FOR THE DOG IF HE DECIDES TO BRING IT HOME. He tried to reassure" me by saying. " All you'd have to do is keep the dog alive while im at work" ( he works 10-12 hours a day)"

Delusional Dude Can Not Respect His Pregnant Girlfriend's Wishes Not To Adopt A Puppy After The Birth Of Their Child

Somebody give this guy a slap in the reality button
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