Animal Comedy Newsletter


I DID Choose The Punk Life!

punk birds mohawk - 8453440000
See all captions Created by mamawalker

Valentine's Day is Definitely Over

animals blue birds get off my lawn - 8446982912
See all captions Created by amathistblue

Now She Wants to get Her Beak Pierced

hair punk baby animals birds chick - 8441254656
See all captions Created by betskand

Cud a Team get Paid in Nip?

birds cage Cats - 8441022976
See all captions Created by furrgetmenot

Ebil Fuzzball

baby animals birds nope evil nightmare squee - 8440557056
See all captions Created by penelopesdad

Tried to Fly Once, It Was Terrible

animals landing FAIL birds grumpy - 8423991552
See all captions

You be the Bird and I'll View

birds youre-doing-it-wrong - 8433317888
See all captions Created by djcat595

Becoming Encyclopedia Famous While Becoming Internet Famous

hawk the internets birds famous - 8432569344
Via becausebirds

Come a Tong Now

birds gifs - 8428420608
Via 4 GIFs

Not All Birds Sing

birds sad but true web comics - 8425084416
Via Poorly Drawn Lines

I'z Headed Fur the City

baby animals whoops birds - 8427170560
See all captions Created by Sylviag

Unless You're Ron, This Should Help with Your Monday

sucks birds bad day - 8424012288
See all captions Created by SirNottaguy-Imadad

Looking Good is Casual For Me

birds peacocks web comics - 8419994624
Via Animal Problems

Why Don't You Care About Me Bird!

birds unimpressed grumpy - 8422551808
Via DecimusRex

Some Days You Just Don't Feel Like Getting Out of Bell!

birds bed bell nope puns - 8040699904
Created by beernbiccies

Yor Breff Smellz Liek Crackerz!

birds talking parrot - 8401757696
See all captions Created by violetD