
24 bird memes | thumbnail includes one meme including '(Guineafowl) Every masterpiece... (Cassowary) ...has its cheap imitation.'

24 Borb Memes Flying to the Rescue Bringing You a Beakful of Laughter Before the Weekend

31 pictures of birds and text | thumbnail includes one bird picture and '‘[He] gets offended when I remove him’'

'The woes of a real-life Disney princess': Angry borb ruffles his feathers after repeatedly getting stuck in a woman's porch, stirring silly humorous responses from other hoomans

24 bird memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'today's mood is brought to you by the Bare Faced Go Away Bird'

24 Bonkers Bird Memes Making Mellow Moods Fly Away to Leave You Feeling Good

20 parrot memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'He pouted like this and whispered under his breath for 5 minutes because I wouldn't let him chew on my phone case'

20 Perfect Parrot Memes Parading Hooman Humor Until You Laugh and Fly

22 bird memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'BREAKING NEWS. TOUCANS CAN LOAF. HE IS OFFICIALLY: BANANA BREAD' and one meme including 'I'm a people person I'm a geese goose'

22 Quacking Borb Memes of Beaked Quality Quarrelling With Everybody Because Geese Was Never an Option

24 bird memes | thumbnail includes one meme including 'NORMAL MODE CUTE MODE' and one meme including 'lying owl is mood'

24 Borb Memes Brazing Sass and Cuteness For a Feathery Funny Time Full of Cheery Chirps

viral thread about someone giving their neighbor an injured pigeon and them rescuing it | thumbnail includes a picture of a pigeon and a note 'I p your neighbor Said you take care T of pigeons, and this guy was getting Pecked up by crows; wing is injured. You don't actually take care birds I am so sorry :-)'

'Birds just happen to me': Person Drops off an Injured Pigeon at Their Neighbor’s House, the Confused Neighbor Accepts Their Fate and Helps the Cute Pigeon

Sweet Hooman Gets Baffled by a Persistent Pigeon Who Refuses to Leave Her Alone, Decides to Give in to the Pursuit, They Become Coompanions for Life

Sweet Hooman Gets Baffled by a Persistent Pigeon Who Refuses to Leave Her Alone, Decides to Give in to the Pursuit, They Become Coompanions for Life

goose gooses silly geese silly-goose funny bird birds meme unexpected interesting lol pictures relatable

27 Silly Gooses Being 'Cobra Chickens' in Unexpectedly Goofy Places (Not the Pond)

Pickles the Bird, Who Grew Up In a House Full of Dogs, Thinks He Too is a Playful Pup, Loves to Play with His Doggo Sibling (Video)

Pickles the Bird, Who Grew Up In a House Full of Dogs, Thinks He Too is a Playful Pup, Loves to Play with His Doggo Sibling (Video)

30 dog memes

Pour Yourself A Mug Of Coffee And Indulge In These Delightfully Silly Doggo Memes

23 funny animal memes

Fantastic Friday Funnies Of The Animal Meme Variety For Tired Humans Who Need A Laugh And A Break

Orphaned eagle adopts baby eagle video | thumbnail includes two images one image shows an eagle looking at the camera ‘A 31-year-old bald eagle, his name is Murphy.’, the other image shows a baby eagle ‘bought into the sanctuary.’

Heartwarming Orphaned Eagle Adopts A Rock And Does Everything He Can To Make It Hatch, So His Rescuers Gave Him An Orphaned Baby Eagle To Nurture (Video)

baby birds bird pigeon pigeons pigeon-pets pet pets domesticated viral viral-pigeon cute cuteness cute-bird adorable wholesome nest

Pigeon Obsession Overwhelms an Apartment Girl After a Goofy 'Nest' Appears on Her Balcony

Funny feathery bird memes | thumbnail includes two images one image shows a budgie in a suit and tie ‘He peck.’ ‘He wreck’ ‘but most importantly’ ‘He dress fine as heck’, the other image shows a cross between a buffalo and a chicken roaming through a field ‘buffalo chicken’

Funny Feathery Bird Memes To Fill You With The Friday Funnies

36 bird memes and pics

A Brilliant Bunch of Bird Memes for Avian Humor Enthusiasts

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