Animal Comedy Newsletter


6 pictures of a bear on a swing, 12 pictures of text, 1 video of a bear on a swing | Thumbnail includes three pictures of a bear on a swing and one picture of text including 'mariiidee_vbg "I came in like a wrecking ball... ohh an arm rest”'

Family Suspects Shady Neighbor of Swinging on Secret Jungle Gym, Set Up a Sneaky Spycam and Snag Beary Funny Burglar (Video)

That look at the end, though
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6 pictures of crabs in an outdoor picnic and 22 pictures of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of crabs in a backyard picnic

Swarm of Unhinged Robber Crabs Invade Family's Barbecue, Remain Bizzarely Unbothered, and Turn Backyard Bash Into a Crustacean Carnival

Only in Australia
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38 dog memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Car - TRANST He's the Boss & he's GRUMPY!! SPIKE F la Email:' and 'Water - Disney WE R THE INCREDIBLE CHONKY R OUND'

Enjoy These 35+ Doggone Hilarious Doggo Memes That Tickle Your Funny Bone And Then Bury It In The Backyard

And the funny bone was never to be found again
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37 dog memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Brown - When your blind dog begs for food' and 'Dog - When your paycheck is 3 dollars more than usual'

35+ Funniest Doggo Memes That Stole Your Funny Bone And Buried It With Your Humerus

They must have buried a lot of funny bones because we find them very...humerus
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