Animal Comedy Newsletter


30 pictures of animals cuddling with people | Thumbnail includes on picture of a dog and girl sleeping and one picture of a man and cat sleeping

Snoozy Summer Saturday With 30 Sleepy Animals Comfortably Cuddling With Their Heartwarming Hoomans

Just five more minutes
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video of a rescued baby owl getting rescued and being released back into the wild | thumbnail includes three pictures of a small baby owl

‘It’s Tears of Joy When I See Them Grow’: Tiny Baby Owl That Fell Out of Its Nest Gets Rescued, Now Loves to Snuggle With His ‘Mom’ Stuffie (Video)

Another life saved. Banjo is adorable.
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wholesome dog memes | thumbnail includes two memes including a man hugging a dog '"I caught him hugging the giant dog he didn't want. He was also singing the dog his own personal song."' and a dog holding someone's hand 'My neighbors dog, Wrecker, likes to hold hands. I'll pet him then we have to hold hands.'

25 Wholesome Dog Memes and Snaps to Brighten Even the Ruffest Day

Dog memes for a better day
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funny tweets about the differences between cats and dogs | thumbnail includes one picture of a cat eating next to a dog and one tweet 'Mr. Chau @Srirachachau Dogs are good because they're like the world's stupidest person. Cats are good because they're like aliens that live in your house 7:26 PM - Aug 6, 2024 231K Views'

The Real Differences Between Cats and Dogs Captured in Hilarious Tweets

Hard to argue with facts
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Sad aww paws wholesome dogs heartwarming pupper cute doggo sweet goofy house dog happy - 30189831

Rider the Military Dog Forced to Retire Due to Injury, Watch Him Thrive as He Becomes the Happiest House Pup

As he should.
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20 dog memes | thumbnail includes one dog meme including 'you must be my backyard cuz i really dig you' and one meme including 'r u a doggo? am froggo wow doin me a educate'

20 Monday Morning Dog Memes to Meet Your Daily Dose of Delightful Comedy

We had you at hello.
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26 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes one picture of a man and a sloth and one picture of a dog

Wholesome Animal Posts to Bring a Bundle of Joy to Your Weekend

Your package of pure happiness is here
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viral twitter thread about a grandma adopting a senior dog | thumbnail includes one picture of an old woman holding a dog 'My Mum is 89. A few weeks before Christmas her elderly dog died and she was heartbroken. She'd decided not to get another dog because she didn't think it would be fair to a dog as she is disabled and doesn't think she'll live for long enough to outlive it. However, a dog rescuer that had rehomed dogs with her in the past, knew her old dog had died and when a little'

89-Year-Old Grandma Who Lost Her Dog Adopts a Sweet Senior 12-Year Old Pupper, and the Two of Them Are the Happiest They’ve Been

Two happy seniors
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funny and cute dog snaps | thumbnail includes two snapchats including a dog holding a sock in its mouth 'des MIS KITCHEN This is Finley. He carries my husbands socks around when he is missing him' and a sad dog looking at a treat 'My puppy isn't very good at being bad. He took a snack from the kitchen then comes to show me in the bathroom AHONO'

22 Dapper Doggo Snaps to Start Your Day With a Sparkling Smile

Delightful doggo dump
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24 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs

24 Perfect Pictures For Dog-Loving Hoomans Who Treat Their Precious Puppies Like Babies

Our four-legged children
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video of a fox pup meeting adult foxes for the first time | thumbnail includes a picture of a grey fox puppy sticking its tongue out

Freshly Rescued Fluffy Fox Pup Gets Introduced to Other Foxes, and They Immediately Adopt Him (Video)

A fabulous fox friendship
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viral thread about animals with weird mutations | thumbnail includes two pictures including a baby crocodile with a mermaid's tail and a tortoise with two heads 'Weird animals with genetic mutations:'

20 Unique and Amazing Animals With the Coolest Mutations

We have never seen anything like it
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24 pictures of animals and text | Thumbnail includes one picture of moose and one picture of text including 'I was playing a video game with headphones on when my dog ran into the room and started barking at me. Loud and constant. Right in my face. She ran to the kitchen then back to me. Barking the whole time. I went to the kitchen to find my cat choking on his food. A few sharp pats on the back and I was able to get him to cough it up. I didn't hear the choking sounds and she reacted q'

Adorable Animal Anecdotes to Soothe Your Mind During Your Stressful Schedule

Calming content for a moment of peace
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viral twitter thread about a blind dog that miraculously got its sight back after an earthquake | thumbnail includes two pictures of a blind dog and a tweet 'Y'all my dog has been blind with cataracts for 4 years. We randomly had an earth quake the other day and coincidentally this cataract shifted to the bottom of his eye and now he can kinda see out his pupil again he's been living his best life on his recent walks'

'I was shocked to see half his pupil visible:' Blind Dog Miraculously Gets Its Eyesight Back After an Earthquake

A (slightly funny) miracle
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27 animal memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'heyyo @wholesomeconfess my pwecious smol bean you such a smol bean' and one meme including 'me, in love fb: @miserably.unrequited you, a whole snacc'

27 Fuzzy Feel-Good Animal Memes to Share With Your Silly Soulmate

Sending memes is one of our love languages
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aww funny cat memes good mood hilarious adorable cute memes mood booster funny dog memes funny memes cute cute cats funny cats feline silly animal memes Cats funny animals cat memes - 36113157

A Hilarious Pack of 33 Animal Memes That Are Pure Catnip for Your Cranium

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