
viral twitter thread and tweets about a fawn following a woman home during the full moon and her rescuing him | thumbnail includes three pictures including a fawn lying down and a fawn standing next to a woman and a fawn next to a cat 'Full moon go crazy. A little fawn came out and started following me. Wildlife rehab said they will take him in the morning'

Cute Fawn Follows Person Home, Gets Rescued, Confuses Their Cat, Then Cuddles With Their Rescuer All The Way Back To The Shelter

24 pictures of corgis | Thumbnail includes two pictures of corgis

24 Judgmental Corgis Serving Serious Side-Eye For Canine Pawrents Who Like Being Judged By Sassy Potatoes

11 pictures of a monkey and a rabbit, 7 pictures of text, and one video of a monkey and rabbit | Thumbnail includes three pictures of a monkey and baby rabbit

Marvelous Monkey Mother Adopts Baby Bunny, They Become Best Friends and Even Like to Snuggle Together in Heartwarming Animal Video

video of a previously mistreated dog coming out of her shell | thumbnail includes two pictures including a dog under a chair and a dog carefully eating food next to a woman 'dog flinches every time her foster mom touches her'

'The whole time, she was shaking so badly': Dog Who Flinched Every Time Her Foster Mom Touched Her Makes An Amazing Transformation

aww viral videos hilarious dogs cute dogs adorable cute doggo goofy horses animal funny funny animals animals horse - 2485255

Meet Prince: The Wholesomely Hilarious Horse Who Thinks He's Actually a Doggo

27 pictures of dogs playing with toys and one picture of text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs playing with toys

Ball is Life: 28 Joyful Puppers Playing Ball To Fetch Some Puplifting Canine Content For Your Weekend

12 pictures of a dog and a woman, 7 pictures of text, and one video of a woman adopting a dog | Thumbnail includes one picture of a dog including 'She found a dog who couldn't walk straight', one picture of a woman and a dog including 'But Annika was only visiting and had to fly home to Germany', and one picture of a woman including 'Five months later, she made a huge decision'

Traveler Finds Disabled Doggo and Decides to Foster Her, Returns After 5 Months to Officially Adopt the Wholesome Pupper and the Two Become Soulmate Sisters (Video)

viral twitter thread about Velellas | thumbnail includes two pictures of Velellas and one tweet 'High Seas Science @RebeccaRHelm Follow Wanna hear a story about an ocean animal that is WATERPROOF, sails, and why I tried to accidentally recycle a bunch of them???? [a thread 10:55 PM - May 17, 2024 1.7M Views ]... 80 12.4K 23K ☐ 7.3K 1'

'These animals are fields of floating mouths': Apparently, There's An Animal That Is Waterproof, Floats, Has A Giant Mouth And Is Taking Over The Ocean

27 animal pictures| Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'animal' and 'animal' and 'animal'

27 Pawsitively Precious Animal Pals Caught Sleeping Snuggly In Serenity

28 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs

A Drooly Dog Park of 28 Zipped and Zooted Doggos That Left the Vet and Veered Off into Outer Space

25 pictures of animals and babies | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs and babies

25 Pawsitive Pictures of Pets Being Perfect Parents and Loving Their Wholesome Hoomans Mostest

26 animal pictures| Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'animal' and 'animal' and 'animal'

26 Pawsitively Hilarious Wildlife Photos That Prove Even Animals Have Bad Days

40 animal pictures | Thumbnail includes a picture of a raccoon stuck in a tree and one picture of a dog stuck in a tree

40 Photos of Wacky Wildlife Who Need A Helping Hooman Hand

viral twitter thread about a PetSmart employee who got emotional when someone adopted a mouse | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Lucy Huber @clhubes Got a mouse at PetSmart for my son and the lady who got him for us seemed so sad to see him go??? "He's been here for months," she said. And then she ran after us as we walked out "Wait!!" She said, "he doesn't bite. And he just loves broccoli." . 2:42 AM - May 17, 2024 2M Views 194 12.3K ... 94K ☐ 1.8K ↑'

Employee At PetSmart Has A Hard Time Saying Goodbye To An Adopted Pet Mouse, Leading To The Most Wholesome And Funny Interaction

47 pictures of animals | Thumbnail includes one picture of a tiger and one picture of two giraffes

A Breathtaking Bucket of Exquisite Animal Pictures Showcasing A Journey into the Enchanting World of Animals

thread about a baby squirrel adopting a granddad | thumbnail includes two pictures including a squirrel on someone's shoe and a baby squirrel holding flowers 'This squirrel adopt my grandpa'

Itty Bitty Baby Squirrel Adopts A Grandpa, And Although Grandma Doesn't Want It Home, Granddad Is Clearly Too Smitten To Let Him Go