
video of a donkey that got adopted and fell in love with a woman's husband | thumbnail includes three pictures of a donkey and a man hugging and playing

'His bond with Adam is really unique': Lonely Rescued Donkey Gets Adopted and Meets the Man of His Dreams (Video)

26 dog pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs

I Wuff You: 26 Adorable Puppers Emitting Love With a Look to Press Your Pawsitivity Button

30 animal memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'So in my roommates lab, one of her classmates has a service dog and apparently service dogs also have to wear lab gear &... Y'all.. just look how cute this is' and one tweet including 'Simone Giertz @SimoneGiertz 000 I built my dog a selfie booth so she can take photos of herself by pushing a pedal with her paw'

30 Wholesome Animal Memes to Bring a Heartwarming Welcome to the End of the Week

pictures of giant dogs | thumbnail includes three pictures including a man holding a giant dog and a giant dog sitting next to a woman and a woman hugging a really big dog

20 Delightfully Massive Dogs Who Still Act Like Adorable Little Lap Puppies

25 quokka pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures of quokkas

25 Pictures of the Most Wholesome Happy Quokkas to Quench Your Quota of Daily Cuteness

25 dog pictures | Thumbnail includes two pictures of sleeping dogs

Need Help Waking Up? So Do These 25 Super Sleepy Doggos. Go and Tell Them "Good Morning"

posts about dogs being funny and derpy | thumbnail includes three pictures including a dog behind a fence and a dog flopped on the ground and a dog next to a felt hare

20 Doggos Being Their Dramatic, Derpy, Awwdorably Delightful Selves

23 raccoon memes | Thumnail includes one meme including 'today's menu: kisses' and one meme including 'I WANNA RUIN OUR FRIENDSHIP WE SHOULD BE LOVERS INSTEAD'

23 Rare Raccoon Memes to Make Your Feral Crush Fall Head Over Heels For You

24 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two picture of dogs sleeping

24 Canine Parents Dig Up Their Cutest Pictures of Their Awwdorable Doggos Cuddling Their Comforting Keepsakes

viral twitter thread of videos and images of ocean animals | thumbnail includes two pictures including a humpback whale next to a ship and a diver surrounded by giant animal skeletons 'We have only explored less than 10% of our world ocean. That means 90% of Earth's Underwater Realm Remains a Mystery - A Thread'

Exploring The Earth's Underwater Realm: Incredible Ocean Animals That Remind Us Of How Little We Actually Know

31 pictures of puppies and kittens | Thumbnail includes one picture of a puppy and one picture of a kitten

A Wholesome Heatwave of Perfect Posts of Puppies and Kittens to Warm Your Weekend With Pure Pawsitivity

25 raccoon memes | Thumbnail includes one meme including 'Please be patient I am confused again' and one meme including 'cause of death: missed you a lot'

25 Relatable Raccoon Memes to Give You a Reason to Rise and Shine Tomorrow Morning

25 pictures of dogs and text | Thumbnail includes two pictures of dogs

Pawsitive Pictures to Take You on a Walk Through the Woof-tastically Silly World of Doggos

reddit thread about parents cancelling their vacation because their daughter refused to dog-sit for them and their son | thumbnail includes one section of a reddit thread 'Am I wrong for making my family cancel their vacation because i wont watch their dogs?'

'She's just being selfish': Parents Demand Their Daughter Dog-Sit for Them While They Are Away, She Refuses, They Cancel the Whole Vacation and Blame Her

video of people rescuing an elephant mom and her calf that fell into a hole and fainted | thumbnail includes one picture of an elephant and a calf that have fallen 'ELEPHANT RESCUE: A veterinarian and national park staff saved an elephant mother in Thailand after they performed CPR. The elephant fainted from stress after her calf fell and got stuck in a hole. They were both rescued and safely walked back into the wild'

Wild Elephant Momma Faints After Her 1-Year-Old Calf Falls Into Hole, Brave Rescuers Perform CPR on Her and Save Her Life

viral twitter thread about an autistic daughter connecting with dogs | thumbnail includes one tweet 'Steven O @Steven_OConnor1 ... Myself and my wife own a fairly large and successful Doggy Daycare. We own 2 beagles and dogs are our passion but also pay our bills. We have an autistic daughter Niamh, who has never spoken a word and has never even looked at our dogs, let alone touch them, she'd walk.... 10:13 PM Jul 19, 2024 2.6M Views 528 1.5K 48K ☐ 1K +]'

'I'm nearly crying': Autistic Daughter Who Has Never Spoken A Word Suddenly Connects With Dogs, Playing With Them And Laughing In The Most Wholesome Moment