Animal Comedy Newsletter

animals at work

‘I'll quit if you bring your dogs': Worker prevents coworkers from bringing their dogs to the office, says 'dogs don't belong at work', maintains stand despite mounting disapproval

‘I'll quit if you bring your dogs': Worker prevents coworkers from bringing their dogs to the office, says 'dogs don't belong at work', maintains stand despite mounting disapproval

On this grey, and only slightly gloomy day, we will be having a discussion about a pressing subject that holds a lot of importance for dog owners… Should dogs be allowed at work? Would they disrupt the office, or can they be trained to sit their cute little bodies down and only let out the occasional howl? After all, it would save employees who have dogs a lot of money. Dog sitters are not cheap! But then, some argue that nobody forced these employees to get a dog, so why should other people wh…
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