Animal Comedy Newsletter


11 pictures of a crocodile and text, 12 pictures of text, and 1 video of animal rescue | Thumbnail includes one picture of a crocodile including 'she was just a tiny thing, stranded and alone', one picture of a crocodile including 'She was getting bigger!', and one picture of a crocodile including 'leave a like to show support for Bella'

'I accidentally raised a crocodile': Wholesome Human Rescues Stranded Baby "Lizard", Forms a Heartwarming Bond With the Adorable Amphibian, She Grows Up to be a Colossal Croc (Video)

Can we pet that dawg
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List of funny frog memes | thumbnail includes two frog memes, one of four pictures of frogs wearing hats with text 'Vertebrate - Nothing too crazy, just frogs with hats. yu' and one of a picture of four frogs sitting on a crocodile with text 'Frog - CROCODILE TOUR GUIDE: Right ladies and gents, if you look on your left you'll see a swamp. To your right, a bigger swamp *excited frog noises* PACE;

18 Ribbiting Frog And Toad Memes For A Hopping Sunday

Toadally hopping Sunday with these froggos and toads.
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'He's sitting so politely': To go from mud-phibian to shiny green orb, charming frog gets a luxurious bath from his owner

'He's sitting so politely': Going from mud-phibian to shiny green orb, charming frog gets a luxurious bath from his owner

Could have just kissed him
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Amphibi-awesome Dude Discovers 1000's of Endangered Salamanders Living in the Lining of His Pond, Acts Like a Bro and Let's Them Stay

Amphibi-awesome Dude Discovers 1000's of Endangered Salamanders Living in the Lining of His Pond, Acts Like a Bro and Let's Them Stay

Finally, some good newts
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25 frog memes | Thumbnail includes two pictures including 'Axolotl' and 'Font - *ASMR* Using My Frog Telephone To Call My Divorced Wife 2787 visualizzazioni - 1 anno fa'

25 Ribbeting Frog Memes That Are Hilariously Un-Frog-Ettable

The frog phone ASMR though
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Funny memes about frogs | pebblepatch Follow shhhhh council is meeting.. frog stuffed toy plushies in a circle | Mark Zuckerberg holding a large frog

Quirky Frog Memes Because It Ain't Easy Being Green

Memes in honor of our favorite little amphibians.
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Amphibian Facepalm

amphibian captions countdown facepalm frog waiting - 6428696576
See all captions Created by bigowl

You're Probably a Terrible Driver Anyway

amphibian annoyed car insurance confusion frog indignant - 5791521280
See all captions Created by The Lone Gunman

Brrum brrum

amphibian animals frog invisible motorcycle - 5801036800
See all captions Created by kittymac